[Haskell-cafe] How to ensure optimization for large immutable vectors to be shared w.r.t. Referential Transparency

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Tue Apr 6 13:51:30 UTC 2021

On Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 07:12:51PM +0800, YueCompl via ghc-devs wrote:

> λ> import Control.Monad.ST
> λ> import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
> λ> 
> λ> :{
> λ| 
> λ| newtype SomeVector = SomeVector (VS.Vector Int)
> λ| 
> λ| isSameVector :: SomeVector -> SomeVector -> Bool
> λ| isSameVector (SomeVector !x) (SomeVector !y) = runST $ do
> λ|   mx@(VS.MVector !x'offset !x'fp) <- VS.unsafeThaw x
> λ|   my@(VS.MVector !y'offset !y'fp) <- VS.unsafeThaw y
> λ|   _ <- VS.unsafeFreeze mx
> λ|   _ <- VS.unsafeFreeze my
> λ|   return $ x'offset == y'offset && x'fp == y'fp
> λ| 
> λ| :}
> λ> 
> λ> let !v = VS.fromList [3,2,5] in isSameVector (SomeVector v) (SomeVector v)
> False
> λ> 
> λ> let !v = SomeVector (VS.fromList [3,2,5]) in isSameVector v v
> True

In GHCi, but not in compiled programs, by default the
`NoMonomorphismRestriction` extension is enabled.  If I compile your
code with that restriction, I can reproduce your results (the values are
not shared).

If I either skip the extension, or add an explicit type annotation to
for the vector, then the values are shared.

    {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
    import Control.Monad.ST
    import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS

    newtype SomeVector = SomeVector (VS.Vector Int)

    isSameVector :: SomeVector -> SomeVector -> Bool
    isSameVector (SomeVector !x) (SomeVector !y) = runST $ do
      mx@(VS.MVector !x'offset !x'fp) <- VS.unsafeThaw x
      my@(VS.MVector !y'offset !y'fp) <- VS.unsafeThaw y
      _ <- VS.unsafeFreeze mx
      _ <- VS.unsafeFreeze my
      return $ x'offset == y'offset && x'fp == y'fp

    main :: IO ()
    main =
        let !v = VS.fromList [0..1023] -- :: VS.Vector Int
         in print $ isSameVector (SomeVector v) (SomeVector v)

Since newtypes are always strict in their argument, I don't think the
BangPattern does what you'd like it to do, it just makes "main" strict
in v.  As defined with `NoMonomorphismRestriction` v is a polymorphic
function, and I guess it is specialised at the call site.


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