[Haskell-cafe] I think I discovered my first Monoid instance
David Banas
capn.freako at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 18:52:56 UTC 2020
> But we're talking about xor for the Word64 type, so it is slightly more
> complicated to prove that it has a unit.
Here's a proof in Agda:
-- Agda proof that zero is the unit (i.e. - left and right identity)
-- for the XOR operation.
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; cong; sym)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _∸_; _^_)
-- Binary data.
data Bin : Set where
⟨⟩ : Bin
_O : Bin → Bin
_I : Bin → Bin
_xor_ : Bin → Bin → Bin
⟨⟩ xor y = y
(x O) xor ⟨⟩ = x O
(x O) xor (y O) = (x xor y) O
(x O) xor (y I) = (x xor y) I
(x I) xor ⟨⟩ = x I
(x I) xor (y O) = (x xor y) I
(x I) xor (y I) = (x xor y) O
lemma : ∀ (b : Bin)
→ b xor ⟨⟩ ≡ b
lemma ⟨⟩ = refl
lemma (b O) = refl
lemma (b I) = refl
_ : ( ⟨⟩ I O O I O I I O ) xor
( ⟨⟩ O I I I O O O O )
≡ ( ⟨⟩ I I I O O I I O )
_ = refl
-- Left & right identity proofs.
binO : (⟨⟩ O) ≡ ⟨⟩ -- Just accomodating a syntactical nuisance.
xor-idₗ : ∀ (b : Bin)
→ (⟨⟩ O) xor b ≡ b
xor-idₗ ⟨⟩ rewrite binO = refl
xor-idₗ (b O) = refl
xor-idₗ (b I) = refl
xor-idᵣ : ∀ (b : Bin)
→ b xor (⟨⟩ O) ≡ b
xor-idᵣ ⟨⟩ rewrite binO = refl
xor-idᵣ (b O) rewrite lemma b = refl
xor-idᵣ (b I) rewrite lemma b = refl
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