[Haskell-cafe] I think I discovered my first Monoid instance
Mario Lang
mlang at delysid.org
Tue Sep 29 08:27:19 UTC 2020
A common theme of some Haskell talks seems to be to motivate people to
go and hunt for instances of standard typeclasses. As the hobbyist
Haskell programmer that I am, I kept on wondering if I would
ever find some. It feels sort of unrealistic, or at least unlikely,
that I should suddenly start to see meaningful structure in
code just because I think I know some typeclasses.
I think I finally discovered a Monoid instance that helps to express a
concept in code pretty well. However, unsure about the soundness of my
blundering about, I'd like to confirm (or disprove!) my findings
before I fall in love with the approach too much.
In my chess library (chessIO) I use bitboards to represent chess positions.
data QuadBitboard = QBB { black :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
, pbq :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
, nbk :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
, rqk :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
} deriving (Eq)
A quad bitboard is a space optimisation based on the observation
that a square can only be occupied by one piece.
occupied QBB{pbq, nbk, rqk} = pbq .|. nbk .|. rqk
pnr QBB{pbq, nbk, rqk} = pbq `xor` nbk `xor` rqk
white = liftA2 xor occupied black
pawns = liftA2 (.&.) pnr pbq
knights = liftA2 (.&.) pnr nbk
bishops = liftA2 (.&.) pbq nbk
rooks = liftA2 (.&.) pnr rqk
queens = liftA2 (.&.) pbq rqk
kings = liftA2 (.&.) nbk rqk
We can create a bitboard with a single occupied square:
square :: Int -> Word4 -> QuadBitboard
square !sq !nb = QBB (f 0) (f 1) (f 2) (f 3) where
!b = bit sq
f !n = fromIntegral ((nb `unsafeShiftR` n) .&. 1) * b
And, as an aside, we can even use pattern synonyms to give these nibbles
meaningful names.
pattern NoPiece = 0
pattern WhitePawn = 2
pattern WhiteKnight = 4
pattern WhiteBishop = 6
pattern WhiteRook = 8
pattern WhiteQueen = 10
pattern WhiteKing = 12
pattern BlackPawn = 3
pattern BlackKnight = 5
pattern BlackBishop = 7
pattern BlackRook = 9
pattern BlackQueen = 11
pattern BlackKing = 13
But what felt really like a cool discovery, is combination:
instance Monoid QuadBitboard where
mempty = QBB 0 0 0 0
-- | bitwise XOR
instance Semigroup QuadBitboard where
QBB b0 b1 b2 b3 <> QBB b0' b1' b2' b3' =
QBB (b0 `xor` b0') (b1 `xor` b1') (b2 `xor` b2') (b3 `xor` b3')
With this, we can pretty easily define a function to create a quad
bitboard from a string:
instance IsString QuadBitboard where
fromString = go (7, 0) mempty where
go _ !qbb "" = qbb
go (!r,_) qbb ('/':xs) = go (r - 1, 0) qbb xs
go (!r,!f) !qbb (x:xs)
| inRange ('1','8') x = go (r, f + (ord x - ord '0')) qbb xs
| otherwise = go (r, f + 1) (qbb <> square (r*8+f) nb) xs where
nb = case x of
'P' -> WhitePawn
'N' -> WhiteKnight
'B' -> WhiteBishop
'R' -> WhiteRook
'Q' -> WhiteQueen
'K' -> WhiteKing
'p' -> BlackPawn
'n' -> BlackKnight
'b' -> BlackBishop
'r' -> BlackRook
'q' -> BlackQueen
'k' -> BlackKing
_ -> error $ "QuadBitBoard.fromString: Illegal FEN character " <> show x
standard :: QuadBitboard
standard = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR"
The rest of the module builds on the Monoid instance of QuadBitboard.
Again, this is the first time a instance like this turns up in my Haskell
experiments. It feels extremely satisfying having discovered this. But
maybe I am violating some laws (I hear instances do that sometimes!) or
some other thing is totally wrong. One might say
I am not fully trusting the peace.
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