[Haskell-cafe] Looking for idiomatic example of wrapping a Haskell library

Stuart Hungerford stuart.hungerford at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 03:29:16 UTC 2020

Hi Haskellers,

In a Haskell learning project I'm looking at using a couple of Haskell
packages (from Hackage) for linear algebra and graphics.

I've got a strong feeling my choices of these libraries are going to
change as the project progresses and to avoid having to change
references to these library functions throughout my modules I'd like
to "wrap" them in modules of my own. Can anyone point me to a project
where a Haskell library has been idiomatically wrapped this way?

I can see newtypes and "smart" constructors of the wrapped types will
go some way towards this, but I suspect there's more techniques I
haven't yet learned.

Thanks in advance,


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