[Haskell-cafe] Norvig AI book translations...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk jerzy.karczmarczuk at unicaen.fr
Sat Jun 13 12:43:26 UTC 2020

Le 13/06/2020 à 14:29, Gregory Guthrie cites a "*Geek Tech Stuff* 

> "Python is a programming language, but it is also fun to play with. This book recognises that."

This is a "geek"??
"Also"?  (which implies some contrast and/or orthogonality)?

But Python if fun to play with /*BECAUSE*/ it is a nice/reasonable 
programming language (whatever you think about).
Haskell is a splendid programming language, and /*that's why*/ it is a 
tremendous fun to work on/with it.

Everything may be fun. Unless you pretend to be a geek. "Recognizing it" 
is very cheap.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
/Caen, France/

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