[Haskell-cafe] For STM to practically serve large in-mem datasets with cyclic structures WAS: STM friendly TreeMap (or similar with range scan api) ? WAS: Best ways to achieve throughput, for large M:N ratio of STM threads, with hot TVar updates?

Branimir Maksimovic branimir.maksimovic at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 14:30:24 UTC 2020

If you want performance, you should use custom solutions...


This one was taken because of library hashmap and my custom solution 
hashtable was much faster.


On 7/30/20 3:28 PM, YueCompl via Haskell-Cafe wrote:
> For the record, overhead of STM over IO (or other means where manual 
> composition of transactions needed) based concurrency control, is a 
> price I'm willing to pay in my use case, as it's not 
> machine-performance critical in distributing input data + parameters 
> to a cluster of worker nodes, and collecting their results into 
> permanent storage or a data pipeline. But to keep professionally 
> crafting well synced, race-free scheduling code is barely affordable 
> by my org, as shape of datasets, relationship between them and 
> algorithms processing them are varying at fast paces, we have 
> difficulty, or lack the willingness, to hire some workforce 
> specifically to keep each new data pipeline race free, it has to be, 
> but better at cost of machine-hours instead of human head counts.
> While easily compositing stm code, wrapped in scriptable procedures, 
> will enable our analysts to author the scheduling scripts without too 
> much concerns. Then our programmers can focus on performance critical 
> parts of the data processing code, like optimization of tight-loops.
> Only if not in the tight loops, I think it's acceptable by us, that up 
> to 2~3 order of magnitude slower for an stm solution compared to its 
> best rivals, as long as it's scalable. For a (maybe cheating) example, 
> if fully optimized code can return result in 10 ms after an analyst 
> clicked a button, we don't bother if unoptimized stm script needs 10 
> second, so long as the result is correct.
> In a philosophic thinking, I heard that AT&T had UNIX specifically 
> designed for their Control panel, while their Data panel runs separate 
> software (and on separate hardware obviously), while modern systems 
> have powerful CPUs tempting us to squeeze more performance out of it, 
> and SIMD instructions make it even more tempting, I think we'd better 
> resist it when programming something belong to the Control panel per 
> se, but do it in programming something belong to the Data panel. And 
> appears Data panel programs are being shifted to GPUs nowadays, which 
> feels right.
> Regards,
> Compl
>> On 2020-07-30, at 20:10, YueCompl via Haskell-Cafe 
>> <haskell-cafe at haskell.org <mailto:haskell-cafe at haskell.org>> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Great to hear from you!
>> For the record tskiplist (and stm-containers together) did improve my 
>> situation a great lot with respect to scalability at 
>> concurrency/parallelism!
>> I'm still far from the stage to squeeze last drops of performance, 
>> currently I'm just making sure performance wise concerns be 
>> reasonable during my PoC in correctness and ergonomics of my HPC 
>> architecture (an in-memory graph + out-of-core (mmap) array DBMS 
>> powered computation cluster, with shared storage), and after 
>> parallelism appears acceptable, I seemingly suffer from serious GC 
>> issue at up scaling on process working memory size. I'm suspecting 
>> it's because of the added more TVars and/or aggressive circular 
>> structures of them in my case, and can not find a way to overcome it 
>> by far.
>> Thanks for your detailed information!
>> Best regards,
>> Compl
>>> On 2020-07-30, at 19:19, Peter Robinson <pwr at lowerbound.io 
>>> <mailto:pwr at lowerbound.io>> wrote:
>>> Hi Compl,
>>>         >+ This package provides a proof-of-concept implementation
>>>         of a skip list in STM
>>>         This has to mean something but I can't figure out yet.
>>>         Dear Peter Robinson, I hope you can see this message and get
>>>         in the loop of discussion.
>>>  The reason for adding this sentence was that tskiplist hasn't been 
>>> optimized for production use. Later on, I wrote an implementation of 
>>> a concurrent skip list with atomic operations that performs 
>>> significantly better, but it's operations work in the IO monad.
>>> I'm surprised to hear that you're getting poor performance even when 
>>> using the stm-container package, which I believe was meant to be 
>>> used in production. A while ago, I ran some benchmarks comparing 
>>> concurrent dictionary data structures (such as stm-container) under 
>>> various workloads. While STMContainers.Map wasn't as fast as the 
>>> concurrent-hashtable package, the results indicate that the 
>>> performance doesn't degrade too much under larger workloads.
>>> You can find these benchmark results here (10^6 randomly generated 
>>> insertion/deletion/lookup requests distributed among 32 threads):
>>> https://lowerbound.io/blog/bench2-32.html
>>> And some explanations about the benchmarks are here:
>>> https://lowerbound.io/blog/2019-10-24_concurrent_hash_table_performance.html
>>> One issue that I came across when implementing the tskiplist package 
>>> was this: If a thread wants to insert some item into the skip list, 
>>> it needs to search for the entry point by performing readTVar 
>>> operations starting at the list head. So, on average, a thread will 
>>> read O(log n) TVars (assuming a skip list of n items) and, if any of 
>>> these O(log n) TVars are modified by a simultaneously running 
>>> thread, the STM runtime will observe a (false) conflict and rerun 
>>> the transaction. It's not clear to me how to resolve this issue 
>>> without access to something like unreadTVar (see [1]).
>>> Best,
>>> Peter
>>> [1] UnreadTVar: Extending Haskell Software Transactional Memory for 
>>> Performance (2007)  by Nehir Sonmez , Cristian Perfumo , Srdjan 
>>> Stipic , Adrian Cristal , Osman S. Unsal , Mateo Valero.
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