[Haskell-cafe] Seeking help to generalize this ..

Justin Paston-Cooper paston.cooper at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 19:04:00 UTC 2020


I suggest taking a quick look at the function ‘fold’ in Data.Foldable, and
also Data.Functor.Compose. That should be good start for composing any list
of such functions.



On Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 19:55, Debasish Ghosh <ghosh.debasish at gmail.com>

> Hi -
> How can I generalize the following pattern to an arbitrary list of
> functions ?
> compose :: (Monad m) => (Foo -> m Foo) -> (Foo -> m Foo) -> (Foo -> m Foo)
> -> Foo -> m Foo
> compose f1 f2 f3 acc = do
>   a <- f1 acc
>   b <- f2 a
>   f3 b
> Any help please ..
> regards.
> --
> Debasish Ghosh
> http://manning.com/ghosh2
> http://manning.com/ghosh
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