[Haskell-cafe] What features should an (fictitious) IDE for Haskell have?

YueCompl compl.yue at icloud.com
Mon Dec 7 14:09:25 UTC 2020

Some late, but I just remember that I'd been pondering with the idea that on foldable code regions (as VSCode / VisualStudio have implemented), some pragmas could better be used to specify relative font size and maybe even to shrink some regions into minified icons, then only expanded when clicked. 

I suggest this is valuable at times when corner case handling code grows much more verbose than the stem logic flow, as well as for boilerplate heavy codebases. The valuable attention of the reader should be firstly and foremost spent on stem logic flow, especially for newcomers to a large codebase, where bloated flow paths / regions can draw unreasonable amount of his/her attention.

Further more, the single source of actual syntax nodes, even cross scattered module files, could even be re-organized into multiple mission-specific views, serving different purposes such as quality-review, trouble-shooting, security auditing, impact-analysis (during refactoring), etc. etc.


> On 2020-12-01, at 04:34, Gueven Bay via Haskell-Cafe <haskell-cafe at haskell.org> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Imagine that you can decide what functionality and features an
> Integrated Development Environment for Haskell should get. You can
> make this IDE with your wishlist similar in power as other IDEs for
> Java for example.
> Now list as many features as you can, what would make the life of a
> Haskell developer as comfortable as possible!?
> I am dying to know how this list of features at the end (of this
> thread) will look like.
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