[Haskell-cafe] What features should an (fictitious) IDE for Haskell have?

Doug Burke dburke.gw at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 13:32:32 UTC 2020

hlint does this to some extent (at least I have some copy-pasted code it
keeps on pleading me to remove duplication).


On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 8:24 AM Johannes Waldmann <
johannes.waldmann at htwk-leipzig.de> wrote:

> >  very cool feature would be if I could select a program phrase
> > and let it find /similar/ phrases, where a similarity metric
> > could be edit-distance with respect to language tokens ...
> I often wanted a tool that finds (nearly) duplicate AST sub-trees
> in a large code base, and suggests refactorings.
> Of course, in an IDE, it could alert me on-the-fly
> that I'm typing some code that's already present elsewhere.
> How might one go about implementing this?
> Actual (approximate) sub-tree matching seems the easy part;
> but I have no clear idea about whether this
> should just use syntax, or needs types as well (my guess is: yes)
> what libraries are there to provide the (annotated) ASTs, etc.
> - J.W.
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