[Haskell-cafe] Question on Coerce
Jaro Reinders
jaro.reinders at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 16:19:25 UTC 2020
Would it be possible to extend Coercible? I have also always wanted a coercible
between the fixed point of the F-algebra and a recursive data type, e.g.:
newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
data ListF a f = NilF | ConsF a f deriving Functor
type List' a = Fix (ListF a)
I would like Coercible (List a) (Fix (ListF a)), then you don't have to
manually write a conversion function when using a general catamorphism:
cata :: (Functor f, Coercible a (Fix f)) => (f b -> b) -> (a -> b)
I have already tried this with unsafeCoerce and that works, much to my surprise.
It would be even nicer if GHC provided a built-in F-algebras, so that I
wouldn't even need to define ListF manually.
(I know that these F-algebras can be generated automatically with Template
Haskell, but that is too heavyweight for most of my use cases)
On 12/2/20 4:24 PM, Georgi Lyubenov wrote:
> You can only coerce between types that guaranteedly have the same runtime
> representation (newtypes), and "structures of them". Look up Coercible for more
> information.
> In this case, there is no way to know that two arbitrary types a and b have the
> same representation, so you can't coerce between them.
> =======
> Georgi
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