[Haskell-cafe] How to write a Monad instance for this type

MarLinn monkleyon at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 17:40:56 UTC 2019


> I end up with this type.
> data Hdf5M a
>    = H5Root (Hdf5M a)
>    | H5Group ByteString [Hdf5M a]  -- A group can contain other groups and/or datasets
>    | forall sh b. (NativeType b, Shape sh) => H5Dataset ByteString (Array F sh b)
> […]
> And I would like to be able to describe a contain like this
> hdf5 $ do
>        group "name" $ do
>              dataset "name1" array1
>              dataset "name2" array2
>              group "other-name" $ do
>                       etc...

You don't need a monad instance for this. First of all, you don't even 
need do syntax to make something "pretty" similar to this.

	hdf5 $
	    group "name" $
	        [ dataset "name1" array1
	        , dataset "name2" array2
	        , group "other-name" $ [

But if you insist, you can just use an existing monad like WriterT. For 
example (simplified):

	data Composite a = Base a | Composite [Composite a]
	type CompositeWriter a = Writer [Composite a] ()
	base = tell . pure . Base
	composite = censor (pure . Composite)
	asComposite = Composite . snd . runWriter
	test = asComposite $ do
	    base 'a'
	    base 'b'
	    composite $ do
	      base 'c'
	      base 'd'

Hope that helps.

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