[Haskell-cafe] How to make boolean logic with IO Monad more expressive?

Magicloud Magiclouds magicloud.magiclouds at gmail.com
Mon May 27 05:07:37 UTC 2019


I think `a || b && c` is more clear than
if a
  then True
  else if b
    then if c
      then True
      else False
    else False

And some languages, `pureComputing || (ioOperation && pure2)` involves
IO only when pureComputing is False.

So in Haskell, is it possible to get both benefits?
status <- ioOperation -- IO-ed anyway
return $ pureComputing || (status && pure2)
if pureComputing
  then return True
  else do
    status <- ioOperation
    if status
      then return pure2
      else return False
-- Looks ugly

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