[Haskell-cafe] Announce: Haskell Platform 8.6.5 (Gershom B)

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Tue May 14 14:32:34 UTC 2019

Am 14.05.19 um 09:05 schrieb Pierre_van_der_Laar (Functional Account) 
via Haskell-Cafe:
> Dear Gershom / GHC development team,
> The provided windows version of GHC contains lib-gmp.
> Hence, this version enforces a LGPL license on my code
>   (see e.g. https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/replacing-gmp-notes for more info) .
> Unfortunately, this license is unacceptable for me.

What is making the LGPL inacceptable for you?
The usual understanding of the LGPL enforces the LGPL license only on 
the lib-gmp code itself and any modifications you make to it, not on any 
other parts of the code.


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