[Haskell-cafe] Resources/papers on lazy I/O

Simon Thompson S.J.Thompson at kent.ac.uk
Fri Mar 29 11:34:46 UTC 2019

 I wrote about this in the context of Miranda some time ago …

  https://kar.kent.ac.uk/20889/1/interactive_thompson.pdf <https://kar.kent.ac.uk/20889/1/interactive_thompson.pdf>


> On 28 Mar 2019, at 18:51, Ian Denhardt <ian at zenhack.net> wrote:
> The basic problem is just that it's error prone when you're doing things
> that are non-trivial wrt the lifetime of the file. Part of the original
> motivation for Haskell's "purity" was that lazy evaluation and
> side-effects are hard to think about. In languages that allow it, "don't
> mix laziness and effects" is a bit of common folk-wisdom. See e.g:
>    https://stuartsierra.com/2015/08/25/clojure-donts-lazy-effects
> If I'm writing a simple program that just reads in some data, does
> stuff, and spits it back out, I usually don't stress about it. But for
> long running programs, file descriptor leaks can be a problem, and
> between that and needing to be async-exception safe, the usual resource
> management strategies in Haskell make the whole thing pretty dicey.
> Quoting Vanessa McHale (2019-03-28 14:26:22)
>> the second issue could be better resolved with linear types!
> How would this work? Not sure I follow.
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Simon Thompson | Professor of Logic and Computation 
School of Computing | University of Kent | Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK
s.j.thompson at kent.ac.uk <mailto:s.j.thompson at kent.ac.uk> | M +44 7986 085754 | W www.cs.kent.ac.uk/~sjt <http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/~sjt>
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