[Haskell-cafe] More graph algorithms for Alga & Streaming JSON/YAML parser

Shiv shiv369shiv at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 09:37:14 UTC 2019

Dear mentors,

    I am Shiv Pratap Singh from IIIT-Allahabad, India. I am currently in
4th year and Computer Science Undergraduate. After lot of brainstorming and
carefully choosing the project idea based on my
skills/expertise/experience, I am highly interested in project idea
mentioned in Subject of the mail.

As the proposal submission date is very close, I am keen to discuss the
idea in depth so that various subtasks can be finalized .If any prior
contribution/patch is requirement for applying, please let me know.

Please mention some resources links in order to gain insights on project.

Hoping to work together!

Thank you,

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