[Haskell-cafe] cannot catch exception
Kees Bleijenberg
K.Bleijenberg at lijbrandt.nl
Mon Mar 4 11:50:13 UTC 2019
Hi all,
The program reads lots of small Text files. readCDFile handles the encoding.
Below is the simplest version of readCDFile.
If I call readCDFile "/home/kees/freeDB/inputError/" "blah" (the file blah
does not exist) I get:
Left "MyError: /home/kees/freeDB/inputError/blah: openBinaryFile: does not
exist (No such file or directory)". The exception is caught by
If I call readCDFile "/home/kees/freeDB/inputError/" "67129209" I get
freeDB: Cannot decode byte '\xa0': Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.decodeUtf8:
Invalid UTF-8 stream. The exception is not caught by exceptionHandler (No
"MyError: " in front). The file 67129209 is indeed bad encoded.
I'am using SomeException. Still, this 'bad encoding exception' is not
caught. Why?
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.FilePath.Posix
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- readCDFile "/home/kees/freeDB/inputError/" "67129209"
print res
readCDFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Either String T.Text)
readCDFile baseDir fn = do
catch ( do
buffer <- B.readFile (combine baseDir fn)
let bufferStrict = B.toStrict buffer
return $ Right $ TE.decodeUtf8 bufferStrict
) exceptionHandler
exceptionHandler :: SomeException -> IO (Either String T.Text)
exceptionHandler e = do let err = show e
return $ Left $ "MyError: " ++ err
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