[Haskell-cafe] type variable is ambiguous in a non-injective type family
Henry Laxen
nadine.and.henry at pobox.com
Mon Jul 29 11:31:36 UTC 2019
First, thank you Li-yao Xia for your clear and helpful response. I was able
to continue thanks to you.
Thanks for the question Anthony, I look forward to learning something. I hope
I'll be explain this clearly.
I am writing some games, which can share some code, such as logging in, and
broadcasting messages to players. I started by writing just one game, with no
consideration for how and what to share. This let to a gamestate which
contained things like:
newtype GameId = GameId Int
data Game1 { _game1TimeStarted :: UTCTime,
_game1PlayerId :: GameId,
_game1RandomGen :: StdGen,
_game1Commands :: [Game1Command] }
the actual state is a more complicated than this, because I split it into a
Static part and a Mutable part that is in a
TVar (Map GameId Game1MutableState)
Next I start writing Game2, which I discover will do the same kind of
broadcasting of messages (Commands) as Game1. So I would like to use the same
code in Game2 as in Game1 that handles the broadcasting.
I came up with: (this is part of the actual class I am using)
class Game a where
type Command a :: *
type Mutable a :: *
type Static a :: *
toGameId :: a -> GameId
toMutable :: a -> IO (Maybe (Mutable a))
everyone :: Mutable a -> [Sink]
instance Game Game1State where
type Command Game1State = Game1Command
type Mutable Game1State = Game1Mutable
type Static Game1State = Game1Static
toGameId ss = ss ^. game1Static . game1GameId
toMutable ss = do
tVar = ss ^. game1Mutable
gId = toGameId ss
gm <- liftIO (readTVarIO tVar)
return $ M.lookup gId (unGameMap gm)
everyone = mapMaybe _game1Sink . M.elems . _game1SPMap
similarly, I make Game2State an instance of Game. Now in the code that
broadcasts commands I have:
sendBroadCasts :: (Show (Command a) , Game a) => [BroadCast a] -> a -> IO ()
sendOneCommand :: (Show (Command a) , Game a) => a -> BroadCastReceiver -> Command a -> IO ()
sendOneCommand ss BroadCastToEveryone command = do
mbMut <- toMutable ss
case mbMut of
Nothing -> return ()
Just mut -> do
let sinks = everyone mut
mapM_ (`sendCommand` command) sinks
but GHC scolds me with:
src/Games/BroadCasts.hs:53:12-23: error: …
• Couldn't match type ‘Mutable a’ with ‘Mutable a0’
Expected type: IO (Maybe (Mutable a0))
Actual type: IO (Maybe (Mutable a))
NB: ‘Mutable’ is a non-injective type family
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: mbMut <- toMutable ss
In the expression: ...
After incorporating Li-yao Xia's suggestion, the code becomes:
sendOneCommand :: forall a. (Show (Command a) , Game a) =>
----------------- ^^^^^^^^^ this is added
a -> BroadCastReceiver -> Command a -> IO ()
sendOneCommand _ (BroadCastToSome sinks) command =
mapM_ (`sendCommand` command) sinks
sendOneCommand ss BroadCastToEveryone command = do
mbMut <- toMutable ss
case mbMut of
Nothing -> return ()
Just mut -> do
let sinks = everyone @a mut
-------------------------- ^^ this is added
mapM_ (`sendCommand` command) sinks
and GHC is happy.
I hope I have explained this sufficiently clearly. I look forward to your
Best wishes,
Henry Laxen
>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Clayden <anthony_clayden at clear.net.nz> writes:
Anthony> Hi Henry, both replies you've received are excellent, I won't expand on them.
Anthony> I am interested in how you got into such a pickle in the first place:
Anthony> Why set `AllowAmbiguousTypes`? Did you understand what that means?
I read
which seems to indicate that using it is "a perfectly reasonable thing"
Anthony> Did you think it odd that despite having that set, you get error
Anthony> `type variable ... is ambiguous`?
Anthony> There are ways to achieve what you want without
Anthony> `AllowAmbiguousTypes` nor `TypeApplications`, but that would need
Anthony> a rather different design. So what lead you into this design?
Anthony> AntC
Nadine and Henry Laxen The rest is silence
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