[Haskell-cafe] overloading functions

Damien Mattei mattei at oca.eu
Thu Jan 10 15:23:49 UTC 2019

Le 10/01/2019 15:27, Tom Ellis a écrit :
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 12:34:04PM +0100, Damien Mattei wrote:
>> i have this definition:
>> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
>> class ConcatenateMaybeString a where
>>   cms :: Maybe String -> a -> Maybe String
>> instance  ConcatenateMaybeString (Maybe String) where
>>      cms mf ms =
>>        mf >>= (\f ->
>>             ms >>= (\s ->
>>                       return (f ++ s)))
>> instance  ConcatenateMaybeString String where
>>      cms mf s =
>>        mf >>= (\f -> return (f ++ s))
> Trying to simulate overloading like this is ultimately going to lead to more
> frustration than benefit.  I strongly suggest you just define two different
> functions.

Hello Tom,
those functions could be seen as a "style exercise" , for me,coming from
untyped languages such as Scheme or LisP it's Haskell which is a
frustration :-)
it's not 2 function but more that are necessary because arguments and
their corresponding types could be in any order, if i define different
functions i will have 3 functions with different names:
cms1::String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String
cms2::Maybe String -> String -> Maybe String
cms3::Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String
i prefer to have a single overloaded operator like this :

class ConcatenateMaybeString a b where
  (+%+) :: a -> b -> Maybe String

instance ConcatenateMaybeString (Maybe String) (Maybe String) where
     (+%+) mf ms =
       mf >>= (\f ->
            ms >>= (\s ->
                      return (f ++ s)))

instance ConcatenateMaybeString (Maybe String) String where
     (+%+) mf s =
       mf >>= (\f -> return (f ++ s))

instance ConcatenateMaybeString String (Maybe String) where
     (+%+) f ms =
       ms >>= (\s -> return (f ++ s))

usable like this:
 f +%+ ("." :: String) +%+ s

if i did not need OverloadedStrings i could even simply wrote:
f +%+ "." +%+ s

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