[Haskell-cafe] Weird defaulting on newEmptyTMVar

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Sun Feb 10 10:07:17 UTC 2019

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 12:24:52AM -0300, Ruben Astudillo wrote:

> Playing on ghci I encountered the following type
>     GHCi, version 8.6.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
>     Prelude> :m +Control.Concurrent.STM
>     Prelude Control.Concurrent.STM> var1 <- atomically $ newEmptyTMVar
>     Prelude Control.Concurrent.STM> :t var1
>     var1 :: TMVar GHC.Types.Any
>     Prelude Control.Concurrent.STM>

Much simpler:

    $ ghci
    GHCi, version 8.6.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
    Prelude> let v = Nothing
    Prelude> :t v
    v :: Maybe a
    Prelude> v <- return Nothing
    Prelude> :t v
    v :: Maybe GHC.Types.Any

This looks like let-bound polymorphism in action.  But the two types
of "Nothing" are representationally equivalent, so you can write:

    Prelude> :m + Unsafe.Coerce
    ...> case unsafeCoerce v of { Just 1 -> True; _ -> False }
    ...> case unsafeCoerce v of { Just 'a' -> True; _ -> False }

The case of MVars case is more complicated:

    ...> :m + Control.Concurrent.MVar
    ...> v <- newEmptyMVar
    ...> :t v
    v :: MVar GHC.Types.Any
    ...> putMVar (unsafeCoerce v) (1 :: Int)
    ...> x <- readMVar v
    ...> :t x
    x :: GHC.Types.Any
    ...> unsafeCoerce x :: Int

The issues become a bit more clear if we replace the "<-" with
    ...> :m + System.IO.Unsafe
    ...> let v = unsafePerformIO newEmptyMVar
    ...> :t v
    v :: MVar a
    ...> putMVar v (1 :: Int)
    ...> let x = unsafePerformIO (readMVar v)
    ...> :t x
    x :: a

So now we seem to have an "x" that is of any type and yet is not
bottom!  We secretly know it is an Int:

    ...> unsafeCoerce x :: Int

But how is GHC supposed to type check that?  So without opportunities
for type inference, and with no applicable annotations, "Any" seems
quite right, with the only way to get a value out being "unsafeCoerce".

If you want a more friendly empty MVar via the REPL, you need to
add a type annotation:

    ...> v <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (Mvar Int)
    ...> :t v
    v :: MVar Int

In compiled code the MVar's type can often be inferred from the
context in which "v" is used, and the type annotation is then
not required.


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