[Haskell-cafe] Getting both the value and name of a variable in one expression
Christopher Done
chrisdone at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 16:49:37 UTC 2019
Wrote up here! https://chrisdone.com/posts/static-smart-constructors/
This was totally blocking my library from becoming complete, I'm super
happy I can proceed now.
On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 17:09, Christopher Done <chrisdone at gmail.com> wrote:
> Depending on how much syntactic overhead you’re happy with, you can go
> full type-safe:
> checkGrammar_3 :: Q (TExp String) -> Q (TExp (Q (TExp String)))checkGrammar_3 q = do
> TExp expr <- q
> [|| if valueFine $$(q)
> then pure (TExp expr)
> else error "value is not fine" ||]
> > $$($$(checkGrammar_3 [|| thename ||]))"Hello!"
> > $$($$(checkGrammar_3 [|| thename_empty ||]))
> <interactive>:45:4: error:
> • Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
> value is not fine
> In my case it might even be a fine trade-off, because I’m favoring
> TH-based validation of a DSL where doing it with e.g. type-level lists and
> type families has worse type-inference and a higher price to pay in
> type-signatures. So I can make a “static-smart” constructor that looks more
> like:
> checkGrammar_3 :: Q (TExp (Tree a)) -> Q (TExp (Q (TExp (ValidTree a))))useValidTree :: ValidTree a -> ...
> So you pay the cost once here, but when building the tree, which is more
> larger code, you don’t pay any cost, and there’s where it matters.
> On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 16:40, Christopher Done <chrisdone at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hurray! It works!
>> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntaximport Language.Haskell.THimport Language.Haskell.TH.Lift ()
>> valueFine :: String -> BoolvalueFine = not . null
>> checkGrammar_2 :: Name -> ExpQcheckGrammar_2 name =
>> [| if valueFine $(varE name)
>> then varE name
>> else error "value isn't fine" |]
>> thename :: [Char]thename = "Hello!"
>> thename_empty :: [Char]thename_empty = ""
>> The output:
>> > :t $(checkGrammar_2 'thename)
>> $(checkGrammar_2 'thename) :: ExpQ
>> > :t $($(checkGrammar_2 'thename))
>> $($(checkGrammar_2 'thename)) :: [Char]
>> > $($(checkGrammar_2 'thename))"Hello!"
>> > $($(checkGrammar_2 'thename_empty))
>> <interactive>:49:1: error:
>> • Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
>> value isn't fineCallStack (from HasCallStack):
>> error, called at <interactive>:49:5 in interactive:Ghci2
>> Code: (if valueFine thename_empty then
>> varE
>> ((Name (mkOccName "thename_empty"))
>> (((NameG VarName) (mkPkgName "main")) (mkModName "Main")))
>> else
>> error "value isn't fine")
>> • In the untyped splice: $($(checkGrammar_2 'thename_empty))
>> Thanks Michael! You’re a star!
>> I should document this in a gist or blog post or something as a technique
>> for DSL checking.
>> On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 16:26, Christopher Done <chrisdone at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I considered an expression-within-an-expression but thought a
>>> stage-restriction would break it. Maybe not! Let me go test it!
>>> On Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 17:31, Michael Sloan <mgsloan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> One potential solution here is to have checkGrammar_take2 return an
>>>> expression which returns an expression. I haven't tried compiling
>>>> this, but something roughly like:
>>>> checkGrammar_2 name = [| if valueFine $(varE name) then varE name else
>>>> error "value isn't fine" |]
>>>> Then it'd be used like $($(checkGrammar_2 'thename)). The th-orphans
>>>> package can also be useful for this because it provides Lift instances
>>>> for the TH AST.
>>>> -Michael
>>>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 10:36 AM Christopher Done <chrisdone at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi all,
>>>> >
>>>> > Do we have already a syntax for ‘foo that also contains the typed
>>>> value like TExp?
>>>> >
>>>> > I have e.g. an AST that I want to do more static checks on it that
>>>> aren’t as convenient to do in the type system. Here’s an example:
>>>> >
>>>> > -- | Check the grammar spec to produce a grammar.
>>>> > checkGrammar :: (SchemaName, [(SchemaName, Schema)]) -> Q Exp
>>>> > checkGrammar (toplevel, rules) =
>>>> > if M.size rulesMap /= length rules
>>>> > then error "Duplicate rule names in grammar."
>>>> > else lift (Grammar {grammarToplevel = toplevel, grammarRules =
>>>> rulesMap})
>>>> > where
>>>> > rulesMap = M.fromList rules
>>>> >
>>>> > -- | Grammar for Haskell.
>>>> > grammar :: Grammar
>>>> > grammar = $(checkGrammar $ runDefine $ mdo
>>>> > -- General expression
>>>> > expression <- rule "Expression" (ChoiceSchema [variable,
>>>> constructor, parentheses
>>>> > ,tuple, let',
>>>> application, string])
>>>> > application <- rule "Application" (CompositeSchema
>>>> [expression, expression])
>>>> > parentheses <- rule "Parentheses" (CompositeSchema
>>>> [openParenSchema, expression, closeParenSchema])
>>>> >
>>>> > ...
>>>> > pure expression)
>>>> >
>>>> > Here I do a trivial check for duplicates. After I’ve checked the
>>>> > expression at compile-time, I Lift it so that it can be used at
>>>> > runtime. That’s pretty good. But some types like (a -> b) don’t Lift.
>>>> So
>>>> > an alternative would be:
>>>> >
>>>> > grammar = $(checkGrammar_take2 thename 'thename)
>>>> >
>>>> > In which checkGrammar_take2 would:
>>>> >
>>>> > Use thename at compile-time for a check.
>>>> > If the check passes, then return (VarE thename)
>>>> >
>>>> > E.g.
>>>> >
>>>> > checkGrammar_take2 value name = if valueFine value then varE name else
>>>> > error "value isn't fine"
>>>> >
>>>> > That’s actually quite a good solution because it avoids a lift, and I
>>>> > didn’t transform the AST. It’s also more efficient than lifting.
>>>> >
>>>> > But there’s no checked relationship between thename and ‘thename.
>>>> > checkGrammar_take2 has no way of knowing that they refer to the same
>>>> > thing. See?
>>>> >
>>>> > Hence, if I could get e.g. `thename to produce both the value and a
>>>> > name for the value, that would be cool. My gist doesn’t go this
>>>> > far. It might look like this:
>>>> >
>>>> > checkGrammar_take2 namedValue = if valueFine (getValue namedValue)
>>>> then getExp namedValue else error "value isn't fine"
>>>> >
>>>> > and call it like:
>>>> >
>>>> > mygrammar = checkGrammar_take2 `thename
>>>> >
>>>> > So the semantics would be roughly similar to
>>>> >
>>>> > [|| thename ||] :: TExp a
>>>> >
>>>> > but you’d get
>>>> >
>>>> > `thename :: Named a
>>>> >
>>>> > where
>>>> >
>>>> > data Named a = { namedThing :: a, nameOfThing :: Name }
>>>> >
>>>> > I feel like the more DSLs I design, the more I’d like something like
>>>> this to perform my static checks.
>>>> >
>>>> > Cheers,
>>>> >
>>>> > Chris
>>>> >
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