[Haskell-cafe] shake and cmd argument dependency

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Mon Apr 15 12:19:06 UTC 2019


I am writting a program which execute some scientific task via shake.

  liftIO $ shake shakeOptions{ shakeFiles=shakeFiles'
                             , shakeReport=["/tmp/shake.html"]
                             , shakeVerbosity=Diagnostic} $ do
    want [toFilePath uploaded]

    -- execute xdsme and deal with input dependencies
    toFilePath xml %> \_out -> do
      need (map toFilePath is)
      processXdsMe cwd' cell sg mr mo rdir images

    -- upload the result into the Databse
    toFilePath uploaded %> \_out -> actionXml xml b c uploaded

processXdsMe :: Path Abs Dir -> Maybe Cell -> Maybe SpaceGroup -> Maybe Resolution -> Maybe Optimize -> Path Rel File -> String -> Action ()
processXdsMe  cwd' mcell msg mr mo rdir images = cmd opts args
    opts :: [CmdOption]
    opts = px1Opts ++ [Cwd . fromAbsDir $ cwd', AutoDeps]

    args = xdsMePath : catMaybes params

    params :: [Maybe String]
    params = [ Just "--brute"
             , Just "--weak"
             , Just "--xml"
             , Just ("-p" ++ fromRelFile rdir)
             , fmap (\(Cell a b c alpha beta gamma) -> printf "-c%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f" a b c alpha beta gamma) mcell
             , fmap (\sg -> "-s" ++ unpack sg) msg
             , fmap (\(Resolution r) -> printf "--resolution %f" r) mr
             , fmap (\o -> printf "--optimize %d" (fromEnum o)) mo
             , Just images

actionXml :: Path Abs File -> Beamline -> SomeDataCollection -> Path Abs File -> Action ()
actionXml xml b c uploaded = do
      need [toFilePath xml]

      container <- liftIO . fromFile . toFilePath $ xml

      -- post processing
      let attachment = _autoProcProgramAttachment . _autoProcProgramContainer $ container
      attachment' <- liftIO $ runReaderT (toRuchePath attachment) b

      _ <- copyAttachment' attachment attachment'

      let container' = (autoProcProgramContainer . autoProcProgramAttachment .~ attachment') container -- replace attachement

      -- upload into ISPYB
      liftIO $ storeAutoProcIntoISPyB c NoAnomalous container'
      cmd_ ("touch" :: String) (toFilePath uploaded)

My users want to change the arguments in the processXdsMe cmd args.
How can I teach shake to rebuild a rules when the argument of the cmd change ?

thanks for your help.


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