[Haskell-cafe] property testing with context
Ben Franksen
ben.franksen at online.de
Mon Oct 22 09:22:53 UTC 2018
Hi Ollie
This is fantastic! It's certainly much more than I hoped for.
I haven't looked into the details of your plugin yet, but from your
description it looks as if this is currently geared towards "classical"
unit tests. Perhaps this is not a problem: I think quickcheck & co
report exceptions as a failed property, and if they don't we'll just
have to catch the exception, print it and return False.
I will definitely try it out and report back.
Am 19.10.2018 um 23:25 schrieb Oliver Charles:
> Perhaps the work in my "assert-explainer" project is relevant here -
> https://github.com/ocharles/assert-explainer.
> The idea is your tests should just be writing "assert
> someArbitraryExpressionEvaluatingToBool", and then having some
> compiler magic recover the context for you when it goes wrong. To cite
> my own README:
> You write:
> assert (length xs == 4)
> No need for lots of special assertEqual etc functions.
> When the assertion fails, you will get much more context:
> ✘ Assertion failed!
> length xs == 4 /= True (at Test.hs:18:12-25)
> I found the following sub-expressions:
> - length xs = 3
> - xs = [1,2,3]
> This is done via a GHC source plugin that rewrites "assert (length xs
> == 4)" into an expression that - if False - prints much more
> information.
> It's very early days for this plugin, but the goal is to reach parity
> with https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/example/reportingdemo.html#tbreportdemo.
> Hope this helps,
> Ollie
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 8:20 AM Ben Franksen <ben.franksen at online.de> wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> it seems to be the season for new variations on the "property testing"
>> theme, so I would like to chime in... not to announce a new library,
>> sadly, but with a rough idea how the existing ones could perhaps be
>> improved, based on practical experience in Darcs.
>> The problem I have is that there is a tension between
>> (a) stating a property in a clear and simple way, so its code doubles as
>> a formal specification
>> and
>> (b) writing the property in such a way that when it fails, the reported
>> value(s) give enough information about the context to be useful for
>> finding the cause of the problem.
>> Let me give an example to demonstrate what I mean.
>> There is a simple law that says if a sequential pair of patches A;B
>> commutes to B';A' then B';A' commutes back to A;B. In code this looks
>> (more or less) like this:
>> prop_recommute :: Commute p => (p :> p) wA wB -> Bool
>> prop_recommute (x:>y)
>> | Just (y':>x') <- commute (x:>y) =
>> case commute (y':>x')of
>> Just (x'':>y'') -> x==x'' && y==y''
>> Nothing -> False
>> | otherwise = True
>> This is a bit more verbose than the informal spec but still quite readable.
>> Now suppose this property fails. So quickcheck reports the counter
>> example pair (X:>Y) for some X and Y. But that isn't too useful in
>> itself. We'd like to know a bit more:
>> * did the second commute fail?
>> * or did it succeed but x/=x'' or y/=y''?
>> * and in the latter case, which of the two?
>> So in practice our property code looks more like this:
>> prop_recommute :: (ShowPatch p, Commute p) => (p :> p) wA wB -> Bool
>> prop_recommute (x :> y)
>> | Just (y' :> x') <- commute (x :> y) =
>> case commute (y' :> x') of
>> Nothing ->
>> failed (redText "failed, where x" $$ displayPatch x $$
>> redText ":> y" $$ displayPatch y $$
>> redText "y'" $$ displayPatch y' $$
>> redText ":> x'" $$ displayPatch x')
>> Just (x'' :> y'') ->
>> if y'' /= y
>> then
>> failed (redText "y'' =/\\= y failed, where x" $$
>> displayPatch x $$
>> redText ":> y" $$ displayPatch y $$
>> redText "y'" $$ displayPatch y' $$
>> redText ":> x'" $$ displayPatch x' $$
>> redText "x''" $$ displayPatch x'' $$
>> redText ":> y''" $$ displayPatch y'')
>> else
>> if x'' /= x
>> then
>> failed (redText "x'' /= x, where x" $$
>> displayPatch x $$
>> redText ":> y" $$ displayPatch y $$
>> redText "y'" $$ displayPatch y' $$
>> redText ":> x'" $$ displayPatch x' $$
>> redText "x''" $$ displayPatch x'' $$
>> redText ":> y''" $$ displayPatch y'')
>> else True
>> | otherwise = True
>> Now this code tells us exactly what went wrong when the property fails
>> but it is ugly and repetitive and the additional code obscures the
>> simple logical content. So this is no longer quite as suitable for a
>> (human readable) formal spec.
>> I wonder if displaying
>> (1) all relevant contextual variables and
>> (2) "where in the code it fails"
>> could be automated away, somehow. I guess this is not trivial and may
>> require syntactic analysis, so perhaps expecting a /library/ to solve
>> the problem is unrealistic, except perhaps by using Template Haskell.
>> I'd also go with a separate tool that extracts properties from a module
>> and enriches them with code that displays the additional information.
>> Tackling this problem might be an interesting theme for a master
>> thesis... ;-)
>> Cheers
>> Ben
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