[Haskell-cafe] Well typed OS

Andreas Reuleaux rx at a-rx.info
Fri Oct 19 21:02:12 UTC 2018

While this may not be an answer to your specific question,
you may want to have a look at MirageOS, the Operating System
written in Ocaml by Anil Madhavapeddy el.,

We had discussed this some while ago in our seminar,
and I learned that Ocaml may be a better fit for
writing an operating system than Haskell, due to Ocaml's
ability to produce small binaries, smaller than Haskell
binaries in any case usually. - Being involved with
Haskell personally, I would like to be proven wrong,
of course (ie. I would like to see small Haskell binaries),
and I have heard of some former efforts of writing an OS in Haskell
as well (but I would have to search for links).

just my 2 cents,

Yotam Ohad <yotam2206 at gmail.com> writes:

>  Hi,
> In the last couple of days, I've been toying with the thought of an
> operating system in which programs (or more accurately, any process) has a
> distinct type which limits
> its use of the machine. For example, `echo` (String -> String) won't be
> able to print an output without a second program which would handle
> changing stdout.
> I think it could "break down" the IO monad into other structures that are
> better at specifying what is changing: A file is read / memory written /
> etc.
> I do, however, not sure how to incorporate drivers (which handles IO and
> external devices) into this. Giving them an `IO a` type feels like
> cheating. I would be much cooler if there was a way
> to treat them like the `echo` function from earlier.
> What are your thoughts/suggestions? I'll be happy to hear them.
> Yotam
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