[Haskell-cafe] Well typed OS

Brandon Allbery allbery.b at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 21:04:38 UTC 2018

I was thinking typed LLVM.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 3:46 PM MarLinn <monkleyon at gmail.com> wrote:

> > You'd probably want an ABI for types, no? You'd need a new executable
> > format (among many other things!).
> >
> > The question is: would it be worth it? Types are wonderful in Haskell
> > because they allow us to structure our programs. What would structuring
> > processes via types accomplish? It would improve the situation with
> > shell scripting/pipes as you allude, but that's still an immense amount
> > of effort.
> Now that I think about it… having something like an ABI or a "Haskell
> binary format" with types in it might indeed be useful in more cases
> than this one.
> It seems when a Haskell projects gets a bit larger people tend to search
> for ways to make it more modular. They try plugin frameworks, OS-level
> dynamic linking, on-the-fly compilation etc. But I repeatedly get the
> feeling that all these current approaches aren't actually very good. But
> what if we had some kind of specialized format for compiled, dynamically
> loadable, typed Haskell libraries? Something between a plain OS library
> and bytecode. This might help make programs more modular while keeping
> them type safe.
> One thing that might be useful to add next would be some kind of
> centralized registry of types, so that a plugin/library could extend the
> ways the system could be extended.
> And going along this line of thought even further leads to… uhm… oh.    OH.
> Ok, so, it's the month of Halloween, right?
> Because… OSGi, but in Haskell.
> Well, maybe there's some sane point in between?
> Cheers,
> MarLinn
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brandon s allbery kf8nh
allbery.b at gmail.com
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