[Haskell-cafe] XText vs DSL in Haskell in mission critical software

Puck lists0 at freea2a.de
Tue Nov 27 22:21:55 UTC 2018

Hello all,

how can I convince my bosses to use existing functional languages for
specifying the future embedded softwares from the company instead of
using Xtext or other things that firm under the name "model driven

The softwares are mission critical.
A local cooperation is already building an research institute with
the goal of "model driven development".

Why they do not use plain Haskell, LiquidHaskell and Coq? 
Neither can I imagine, that Haskell or Coq is so hard to learn, neither
can I imagine that they want the developers to dive through handwritten
Java extensions for their tool, that can only be analyzed with
Java-tools and cannot be proven.

Is XText, for example, really so good?
Is a Haskell-DSL as a counterpart, not very much fewer dependent on
other things, and very much easier to maintain?

Thanks for suggestions and arguments

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