[Haskell-cafe] Selecting a transformer in a monad transformer stack

Paul Brauner polux2001 at gmail.com
Wed May 30 07:32:51 UTC 2018

I think monad-control is what I was looking for but was missing when trying
to come up with a solution involving lift. Thanks!


On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:15 PM Li-yao Xia <lysxia at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> We can use Data.Coerce.coerce to do the (un)wrapping and defer to the
> Alternative/MonadPlus instance at the right level.
> (MyMonad a) is representationally equivalent to (Stack (Either String
> a)), where Stack is defined as
> type Stack = ReaderT Env (StateT Store (ListT Identity))
> Thus, we can coerce Stack's MonadPlus methods (which lift ListT's
> methods) as follows:
> import Data.Coerce
> instance MonadPlus MyMonad where
>    mzero :: forall a. MyMonad a
>    mzero = coerce (mzero @Stack @(Either String a))
>    mplus :: forall a. MyMonad a -> MyMonad a -> MyMonad a
>    mplus = coerce (mplus @Stack @(Either String a))
> The upcoming DerivingVia generalizes this pattern somewhat, although it
> will be necessary to pick a different equivalent type than above.
> newtype MyMonad = MyMonad {
>    runMyMonad :: ((ReaderT Env (ExceptT String
>      (StateT Store (ListT Identity)))) a) }
>    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
>    deriving (Alternative, MonadPlus)
>      via (ReaderT Env (ExceptT' String (StateT Store (ListT Identity))))
> where ExceptT' is a transformer identical to ExceptT, but it lifts the
> transformed monad's MonadPlus instance instead of providing its own.
> A different solution is monad-control, which generalizes MonadTrans.
> Like `lift`, `liftWith` moves an action "up" one level in a transformer
> stack, but in addition, it provides a way to move "down" as well, as a
> continuation given to the wrapped action.
> Although powerful, it is certainly not an easy interface to grasp, but
> my point here is to demonstrate one use of it.
> liftControl
>    :: (MonadTransControl t, Monad m, Monad (t m))
>    => (Run t -> m (StT t a)) -> t m a
> liftControl f = liftWith f >>= restoreT . return
> instance Alternative MyMonad where
>    empty = MyMonad ((lift . lift) empty)
>    MyMonad a <|> MyMonad b = MyMonad $
>      liftControl $ \run1 -> liftControl $ \run2 ->
>        (run2 . run1) a <|> (run2 . run1) b
> It's also not quite obvious this does the right thing so here are some
> QuickCheck tests that these two implementations are equivalent to the
> original one:
> https://lpaste.net/2697355636458389504
> Cheers,
> Li-yao
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