[Haskell-cafe] Optimizing nearest-k code

Mark Wotton mwotton at gmail.com
Thu May 24 17:36:26 UTC 2018

there are a few things you can do.

I ran it locally and got 3s cpu time and 3gb of allocation, more or less.

first off, your subset implementation computes the subsets twice.
taking that off took it down to 2s.

After that it's mostly in the Set implementation. Using Map a ()
instead gives you access to Data.Map.Merge.Strict.merge, which is a
bit more efficient (going over the two data structures once only)

module Main where

import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

nearest_k :: (Ord a) => Int -> [(Map a (), v)] -> Map a () -> [(Map a (), v)]
nearest_k k bs b = take k bs' where
    bs' = sortOn (hamming b) bs

hamming :: (Ord a)=> Map a () -> (Map a (), v) -> Int
hamming x (y, _) = hamming_distance x y

hamming_distance :: (Ord a)=> Map a () -> Map a () -> Int
hamming_distance xs ys = Map.size (Map.merge Map.preserveMissing
Map.preserveMissing (Map.zipWithMaybeMatched (\_ _ _ -> Nothing)) xs

subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
subsets []  = [[]]
subsets (x:xs) = let rs = subsets xs in rs  ++ map (x:) rs

int_lists :: [[Int]]
int_lists = subsets [1..20]

values :: [(Map Int (), Int)]
values = map f (zip [1..] int_lists) where
    f (i, x) = (Map.fromList(zip  x (repeat ())), i)

test = nearest_k 8 values (Map.fromList (zip [1,2,3] (repeat ())))

main = print test

that took it to 1s, and now profiling indicates more than half the
time is spent in generation of the test values, so I'll leave it

I think if you wanted to do better than this you'd have to do some
algorithmic changes - for instance, once your worst candidate is n
steps away, you can stop calculating the hamming distance for anything
else once it's > n, as it can't contribute usefully to the nearest


On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:15 PM, Richard Evans
<richardprideauxevans at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Haskell Cafe,
> Given a set of sets, and a particular target set, I want to find the sets
> that are nearest (in terms of Hamming distance) to the target set.
> I am using the following code:
> import Data.List
> import qualified Data.Set as Set
> nearest_k :: Ord a => Int -> [(Set.Set a, v)] -> Set.Set a -> [(Set.Set a,
> v)]
> nearest_k k bs b = take k bs' where
>     bs' = sortOn (hamming b) bs
> hamming :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> (Set.Set a, v) -> Int
> hamming x (y, _) = hamming_distance x y
> hamming_distance :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> Set.Set a -> Int
> hamming_distance xs ys = Set.size (Set.difference xs ys) + Set.size
> (Set.difference ys xs)
> subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
> subsets []  = [[]]
> subsets (x:xs) = subsets xs ++ map (x:) (subsets xs)
> int_lists :: [[Int]]
> int_lists = subsets [1..20]
> values :: [(Set.Set Int, Int)]
> values = map f (zip [1..] int_lists) where
>     f (i, x) = (Set.fromList x, i)
> test = nearest_k 8 values (Set.fromList [1,2,3])
> ----
> This works ok for the test above (with sets of ints), but is rather slow in
> my actual application (in which the sets are large sets of ground atoms of
> first-order logic). Is there some major optimization I should be doing here?
> thanks,
> Richard
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