[Haskell-cafe] haskell in the cloud

David Reaver johndreaver at gmail.com
Wed May 23 20:24:53 UTC 2018

Amazon Web Services has a x1.32xlarge EC2 instance with 128 CPU cores and
just under 2000 GiB of RAM for about $13 per hour. AWS actually has
per-second billing (with a 1 minute minimum) since late last year.

They have lots of other options as well of course. Here is their pricing
page: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 2:51 AM, Dennis Raddle <dennis.raddle at gmail.com>

> I have a CPU-intensive Haskell application. I have it working with simple
> multi-core concurrency. I'm wondering if I can run this on a cloud virtual
> machine with 128 cores or so, paying by the CPU minute. I'll run it for
> maybe 15 minutes a day so I'm probably best off paying just for the CPU
> used.
> What platform would be recommended? For ease of use? For best
> price/performance?
> It's a backtracking optimization algorithm that builds data, one element
> at a time. It's not hard at all to make it concurrent: at the first 3 or so
> levels of element choices would be about 100 to 500 combinations. Even if
> the simplest method of running concurrent Haskell on multiple cores doesn't
> work, I could just divide these first cases into batches and run them on
> individual machines.
> D
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