[Haskell-cafe] Missing common function for Maybe types

Imants Cekusins imantc at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 08:10:02 UTC 2018

Salut Marc,

Are you looking for Alternative by any chance:

Prelude> :m Control.Applicative
Prelude Control.Applicative> Just 1 <|> Just 2::Maybe Int
Just 1
Prelude Control.Applicative> Nothing <|> Just 2::Maybe Int
Just 2

On 31 July 2018 at 10:47, Marc Busqué <marc at lamarciana.com> wrote:

> Apologies, I clearly asked the question in a rushed way...
> I'm working with [req](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/req) package.
> I need to parse a url from a string, but I don't know whether its schema
> will be `http` or `https`. However, `req` just provides me with two
> functions:
> ```
> parseUrlHttp :: ByteString -> Maybe (Url Http, Option scheme)
> parseUrlHttps :: ByteString -> Maybe (Url Https, Option scheme)
> ```
> As I don't know the schema beforehand, I have to apply one of the two
> functions, do a case analysis on its result and, depending on the
> result, call the second one or return the first result.
> What I think is a common case here (perhaps I'm wrong) is the need to
> choose between two or more `Maybe` values where at most one of them will
> be a `Just`. `maybe` does not do that. `catMaybes` could be used for
> that when all the `Maybe` have the same inner type, but it is not the
> exact abstraction and it would need more code (just like simply doing a
> case analysis).
> Thanks and, again, sorry for the hurried question before (I don't like
> when I see it from others :()
> Marc Busqué
> http://waiting-for-dev.github.io/about/
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2018, Paul wrote:
>> Something like "maybe" function?
>> 31.07.2018 10:07, Marc Busqué wrotes:
>>       Hi!
>>       I have two functions:
>>       ```
>>       foo :: a -> Maybe b
>>       bar :: a -> Maybe c
>>       ```
>>       From which I want to build a higher order function:
>>       ```
>>       foobar :: a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe c) -> Either b c
>>       ```
>>       The implementation I need is:
>>       ```
>>       foobar x f g =
>>         case (f x) of
>>           Nothing -> g x
>>           Just y  -> Just y
>>       ```
>>       I'm a bit surprised that looking at hoogle I don't find a built-in
>>       solution for this quite common need for `Maybe` types (or perhaps
>> for
>>       any monad).
>>       Am I looking in the wrong way? Does it exist a similar abstraction
>> but
>>       with a different shape?
>>       Thanks in advance,
>>       Marc Busqué
>>       http://waiting-for-dev.github.io/about/
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