[Haskell-cafe] SqlPersistT action in MonadError issue

Vlatko Basic vlatko.basic at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 10:41:43 UTC 2018

Thank you Matt

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] SqlPersistT action in MonadError issue
> From: Matt <parsonsmatt at gmail.com>
> To: Vlatko Bašić <vlatko.basic at gmail.com>
> Cc: haskell-cafe <Haskell-cafe at haskell.org>
> Date: 16/07/18 17:25
> Hi Vlatko,
> It depends on what you want to happen. The easiest way is to use the runtime 
> exception system and `try` to catch the type of exception you want to handle:
> tryApp :: (MonadCatch m) => m a -> m (Either AppException a)
> tryApp = try
> runDB :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => SqlPersistT m a -> AppM m (Either 
> AppException a)
> runDB query = do
>   App{..} <- ask
>   liftIO $ tryApp $ runPool pgConf query pgPool
> f1 :: (MonadThrow m) => SqlPersistT m Bool
> f1 = throwM (ExcTest "Exception!")
> runF1 :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => AppM m (Either AppException Bool)
> runF1 = runDB f1
> This approach preserves the transaction rollback feature of `persistent`. If 
> you do not want to have that feature, then you can put `ExceptT` on the 
> outside, like `ExceptT AppException (SqlPersistT m) a`, and this will give you 
> short-circuiting (via the outer ExceptT layer).
> Matt Parsons
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 2:18 AM, Vlatko Basic <vlatko.basic at gmail.com 
> <mailto:vlatko.basic at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Matt,
>     Thanks for taking time and giving so thorough explanation and a
>     suggestion. Much appreciated. :-)
>     I figured out some of this, except for the last, main part. I thought the
>     problem was in not being able to instantiate MonadError AppException IO,
>     not that ExceptT doesn't have MonadUnliftIO.
>     I'm refactoring some db code and was just exploring possible
>     short-circuiting ways in SqlPersistT with custom exception types, like
>     get404.
>     Which approach would you suggest for that?
>     vlatko
>>     -------- Original Message --------
>>     Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] SqlPersistT action in MonadError issue
>>     From: Matt <parsonsmatt at gmail.com> <mailto:parsonsmatt at gmail.com>
>>     To: vlatko.basic at gmail.com <mailto:vlatko.basic at gmail.com>
>>     Cc: haskell-cafe <Haskell-cafe at haskell.org> <mailto:Haskell-cafe at haskell.org>
>>     Date: 14/07/18 20:09
>>     The type of `runPool` is given here:
>>     https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-12.0/persistent-2.8.2/Database-Persist-Class.html#v:runPool
>>     <https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-12.0/persistent-2.8.2/Database-Persist-Class.html#v:runPool>
>>     runPool::MonadUnliftIO
>>     <https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-12.0/conduit->m
>>     => c ->PersistConfigBackend
>>     <https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-12.0/persistent-2.8.2/Database-Persist-Class.html#t:PersistConfigBackend>c
>>     m a ->PersistConfigPool
>>     <https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-12.0/persistent-2.8.2/Database-Persist-Class.html#t:PersistConfigPool>c
>>     -> m a
>>     The return type of `runPool`, then, is `m a`, for some `m` satisfying
>>     `MonadUnliftIO`.
>>     The type of `liftIO` is `liftIO :: (MonadIO m) => IO a -> m a`. This
>>     means that the first argument to `liftIO` must be an `IO a`.
>>     When we say `liftIO (runPool ...)`, GHC tries to unify the `m a` from
>>     `runPool` and the `IO a` from `liftIO`. It is able to do this, as `IO` is
>>     an instance of `MonadUnliftIO`. Then, the concrete type of `runPool
>>     pgConf f1 pgPool` becomes `IO Bool`.
>>     GHC now tries to unify the `m` in `f1 :: (MonadIO m, MonadError
>>     AppException m) => SqlPersistT m Bool` with `IO`. It tries to satisfy the
>>     constraints: `MonadIO` is easily satisfied, but `MonadError AppException
>>     m` triggers the problem you mention.
>>     Because `ExceptT` does not have an instance for `MonadUnliftIO`, we
>>     cannot use it with the `m` in `SqlPersistT m Bool` directly. We can,
>>     instead, use `mapReaderT` to push the `Either` into the return type, like
>>     this:
>>     pushException :: SqlPersistT (ExceptT e m) a -> SqlPersistT m (Either e a)
>>     pushException = mapReaderT runExceptT
>>     Now, we can write:
>>     liftIO $ runPool pgConf (pushException f1) pgPool
>>     This gives us an `IO (Either AppException Bool)`, which, after lifting,
>>     gives us `AppM IO (Either AppException Bool)`. You can then use `either
>>     throwError pure` to pull the `AppException` into the `ExceptT` again.
>>     ---
>>     I would suggest that you reconsider this approach, however. The
>>     `persistent` library uses transactions and exceptions in a way that is
>>     *almost always* what you want, but can be surprising, and using `ExceptT`
>>     will break this system. Transactions are automatically rolled back on a
>>     `MonadCatch`-style exception, but they are not automatically rolled back
>>     on an `ExceptT`-style exception. Having a single `AppException` type that
>>     represents errors that can occur in database transactions *and* the rest
>>     of your application is also going to be a cause for unsafety and errors,
>>     as the type cannot possibly be precise enough to provide any safety.
>>     Matt Parsons
>>     On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 10:22 AM, Vlatko Basic <vlatko.basic at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:vlatko.basic at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hello,
>>         I'm trying to use SqlPersistT funcs with MonadError, but am failing
>>         in writing the runDB correctly.
>>         I tried several things, but always getting:
>>             • Couldn't match type ‘IOException’ with ‘AppException’
>>                 arising from a functional dependency between:
>>                   constraint ‘MonadError AppException IO’ arising from a use
>>         of ‘f1’
>>                   instance ‘MonadError IOException IO’ at <no location info>
>>             • In the second argument of ‘runPool’, namely ‘f1’
>>               In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘runPool pgConf f1 pgPool’
>>               In a stmt of a 'do' block: liftIO $ runPool pgConf f1 pgPool
>>         I understand there already is "instance MonadError IOException IO"
>>         and fundep says it can be only one for IO.
>>         How to make it compile?
>>         Best regards,
>>         vlatko
>>         Here is the minimal reproducible code:
>>         module Test where
>>         import Prelude
>>         import Control.Exception.Base
>>         import Control.Monad.Except
>>         import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
>>         import Database.Persist.Postgresql
>>         data AppException =
>>             ExcText String
>>           | ExcIO IOException
>>           deriving (Show)
>>         type AppM m = ExceptT AppException (ReaderT App m)
>>         data App    = App { pgConf :: PostgresConf, pgPool :: ConnectionPool}
>>         runDB :: (MonadIO m, MonadError AppException m) => AppM m Bool
>>         runDB = do
>>           App{..} <- lift ask
>>           liftIO $ runPool pgConf *f1* pgPool    -- error
>>           -- liftIO $ runPool pgConf *f2* pgPool  -- OK
>>         f1 :: (MonadIO m, MonadError AppException m) => SqlPersistT m Bool
>>         f1 = throwError $ ExcText "exception"
>>         f2 :: MonadIO m => SqlPersistT m Bool
>>         f2 = return True
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