[Haskell-cafe] What is your favourite Haskell "aha" moment?
Takenobu Tani
takenobu.hs at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 10:05:25 UTC 2018
Hi simon,
I feel a lot of aha in Haskell.
However, the most basic characterise I think are the following.
* Algebraic data type (*Extremely wonderful*)
* Pattern matches
* Higher-order function
* Partial application
* Polymorphic type
* Recursion and Lazy pattern
I show its features in the code below.
Simple code example 1:
-- Algebraic data type
data DNA = A | C | G | T
deriving Show
-- Using algebraic data type with list
dna1 :: [DNA]
dna1 = [A,A,T,C,C,G,C,T,A,G]
-- Pattern matches
abbrev :: DNA -> String
abbrev A = "adenine"
abbrev C = "cytosine"
abbrev G = "guanine"
abbrev T = "thymine"
-- Higher-order function and Partial application
abbrevDNAs = map abbrev
-- Interactive example
ghci> abbrevDNAs [A,A,C,G,A,T]
Simple code example 2:
-- Algebraic data type
data RNA = A | C | G | U
deriving Show
data Amino = Ala | Arg | Asn | Asp | Cys | Gln | Glu |
Gly | His | Ile | Leu | Lys | Met | Phe |
Pro | Ser | Thr | Trp | Tyr | Val | Error
deriving Show
-- Pattern matches
rna2amino :: [RNA] -> Amino
rna2amino [A,A,A] = Lys
rna2amino [A,A,G] = Lys
rna2amino [G,A,A] = Glu
rna2amino [A,U,G] = Met
rna2amino [C,A,U] = His
rna2amino _ = Error
-- Higher-order function
convert :: [RNA] -> [Amino]
convert xss = map rna2amino $ splitN 3 xss
-- Polymorphic type, Recursion and Lazy pattern
splitN :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitN _ [] = []
splitN n xs = let (as,bs) = splitAt n xs
in as : splitN n bs
-- Interactive example
ghci> convert [A,A,A,G,A,A,A,U,G,C,A,U]
Of course, I am not familiar with genom :)
2018-07-11 21:10 GMT+09:00 Simon Peyton Jones via Haskell-Cafe <
haskell-cafe at haskell.org>:
> Friends
> In a few weeks I’m giving a talk to a bunch of genomics folk at the Sanger
> Institute <https://www.sanger.ac.uk/> about Haskell. They do lots of
> programming, but they aren’t computer scientists.
> I can tell them plenty about Haskell, but I’m ill-equipped to answer the
> main question in their minds: *why should I even care about Haskell*?
> I’m too much of a biased witness.
> So I thought I’d ask you for help. War stories perhaps – how using
> Haskell worked (or didn’t) for you. But rather than talk generalities, I’d
> love to illustrate with copious examples of beautiful code.
> - Can you identify a few lines of Haskell that best characterise what
> you think makes Haskell distinctively worth caring about? Something that
> gave you an “aha” moment, or that feeling of joy when you truly make sense
> of something for the first time.
> The challenge is, of course, that this audience will know no Haskell, so
> muttering about Cartesian Closed Categories isn’t going to do it for them.
> I need examples that I can present in 5 minutes, without needing a long
> setup.
> To take a very basic example, consider Quicksort using list
> comprehensions, compared with its equivalent in C. It’s so short, so
> obviously right, whereas doing the right thing with in-place update in C
> notoriously prone to fencepost errors etc. But it also makes much less
> good use of memory, and is likely to run slower. I think I can do that in
> 5 minutes.
> Another thing that I think comes over easily is the ability to abstract:
> generalising sum and product to fold by abstracting out a functional
> argument; generalising at the type level by polymorphism, including
> polymorphism over higher-kinded type constructors. Maybe 8 minutes.
> But you will have more and better ideas, and (crucially) ideas that are
> more credibly grounded in the day to day reality of writing programs that
> get work done.
> Pointers to your favourite blog posts would be another avenue. (I love
> the Haskell Weekly News.)
> Finally, I know that some of you use Haskell specifically for genomics
> work, and maybe some of your insights would be particularly relevant for
> the Sanger audience.
> Thank you! Perhaps your responses on this thread (if any) may be helpful
> to more than just me.
> Simon
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