[Haskell-cafe] BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar

Massimo Zaniboni massimo.zaniboni at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 15:29:59 UTC 2018


I were discussing the problem on #haskell-it , and they noted that the 
correct exception is thrown changing from

   wait c
   wait p


   wait p
   wait c

More importantly, this code

   () <$ (waitAny [c, p])

and this

   () <$ (waitAny [p, c])

works in the expected way. So it seems that ``waitAny`` is a lot more 
robust, and extensible to 2 or more threads.

I'm not interested to the final result of threads, so ``waitAny`` it is 
a good solution, but in the real code (not this example) I have many 
nested threads, so I need to create a unique ``waitAny`` on the main 
caller, that is not optimal, but probably viable.

So I'm still interested, if there are better solutions, not requring a 
`waitAny` with all launched threads.


Il 13/07/2018 16:51, Massimo Zaniboni ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I have a code like this
> ```
> producer :: Int -> MVar Int -> IO ()
> producer c mvar
>    = case c > 10 of
>        True -> throwIO HighNumberException
>        False -> do putMVar mvar (c + 1)
>                    producer (c + 1) mvar
> consumer :: MVar Int -> IO ()
> consumer mvar = do
>    _ <- takeMVar mvar
>    consumer mvar
> coordinator :: MVar Int -> IO ()
> coordinator mvar = do
>    withAsync (producer 0 mvar) $ \p ->
>      withAsync (consumer mvar) $ \c -> do
>        wait c
>        wait p
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>    mvar <- newEmptyMVar
>    withAsync (coordinator mvar) (wait)
>    putStrLn "done"
> ```
> The producer send the informative exception HighNumberException, but the 
> coordinator job receives a generic BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar, because 
> the producer stop working.
> How can I discard the generic exception, and re-throw/catch only 
> HighNumberException?
> In case the complete source code is on 
> https://github.com/massimo-zaniboni/blocked-on-mvar
> Thanks in any case,
> Massimo

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