[Haskell-cafe] ForeignPtrs, Finalizers and thread-local storage

Justin Paston-Cooper paston.cooper at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 10:58:54 UTC 2018

The Control.Concurrent.bracket solution should involve
Control.Concurrent.runInBoundThread as well.

On 3 July 2018 at 11:10, Justin Paston-Cooper <paston.cooper at gmail.com>

> glpk-hs defines a binding to glpk, a linear programme library. A linear
> programme is created by calling `glp_create_prob` and deleted by calling
> `glp_delete_prob`. These two C functions manage memory themselves using
> thread-local storage.
> They are called by glpk-hs using the foreign function interface in the
> following code. Note that glpDelProb and glpCreateProb are imported foreign
> functions.
> runGLPK :: GLPK a -> IO a
> runGLPK m = do  lp <- newForeignPtr glpDelProb =<< glpCreateProb
>                 withForeignPtr lp (execGLPK m)
> (https://github.com/jyp/glpk-hs/blob/master/src/Data/
> LinearProgram/GLPK/Types.hs)
> It seems that sometimes the finaliser is called in a thread different to
> the one where glp_create_prob is called. This leads to glpk aborting with a
> dynamic memory allocation error when tries to de-allocate the linear
> programme in the wrong thread-local storage, which has never seen that
> programme.
> Given that the ForeignPtr is used only in runGLPK, runGLPK could of course
> be fixed by using Control.Concurrent.bracket instead. However, I'm
> interested to know whether there is a solution to this problem.
> I'm only assuming that the finaliser sometimes runs in a different thread.
> If this is indeed the case, then is there any way to ensure that a
> finaliser runs in the thread where the pointer is created?
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