[Haskell-cafe] GHC's timing: Now solid enough for music?

Jeffrey Brown jeffbrown.the at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 23:26:12 UTC 2018

I just discovered Tom Murphy's Vivid-Synth[1], a Haskell library that lets
you control SuperCollider. (A few very slight changes allowed me to get it
to work in Stack instead of Cabal, as described here[2,3].)

TidalCycles[4] also controls SuperCollider from Haskell. It does tortuous
backflips to hand the timing job over to SuperCollider. If I recall
correctly, that was because SC's timing was more solid than Haskell's.

I modified the Vivid demo to go faster and have a few more voices[5], and
tried running it at the same time as Spotify and Youtube and apt upgrade
and loading LibreOffice and playing some music in VLC, and I detected (by
ear) no timing errors.

Can I expect GHC's maybe-new rhythmic stability to hold up?

[1] http://www.vivid-synth.com/
[2] https://github.com/vivid-synth/vivid/issues/5
[4] https://tidalcycles.org/
[5] https://github.com/JeffreyBenjaminBrown/vivid/blob/jbb/jbb/sine.hs

Jeff Brown | Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
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