[Haskell-cafe] I really don't understand this

Jean-Marc Alliot jm at alliot.org
Wed Jan 24 17:02:29 UTC 2018

First thanks again for the answer, I really appreciate.

However, I am still a little bit in doubt, so I decided to write an 
ocaml search2 function which is almost an exact copy/paste of the 
Haskell function, including an IO monad implemented in ocaml (included 
below; I am much more fluent in caml that I have been using for 20 years 
than I am in Haskell, as you might have guessed).

In ocaml, there is no problem at all and everything is running as I 
expect it to run. I can access and even print the value of acc without 
modifying the behaviour of the program.

The main difference I am aware of is that Haskell is lazy while ocaml is 
not. So is my interpretation correct if I say that Hakell lazyness is 
the reason why the Haskell program behaves "oddly" (according to my 
standards of course, there is no judgement value here)? And if it is so, 
is it possible to force the evaluation in order to have a program which 
doesn't run forever just because I am accessing an object?

I presume I am still confused and I might be wrong, so thanks again for 

module IOMonad = struct
   type 'a t = IO of 'a;;
   let return x = IO x;;
   let (>>=) (IO m) (f : ('a -> 'b t)) = (f m);;
open IOMonad;;

module IMS = CCMultiSet.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare  
let delete x s = IMS.remove s x;;
let insert x s = IMS.add s x;;
let fold f b s =
   let f2 b n t = f t b in
   IMS.fold s b f2;;
let fromlist  = IMS.of_list ;;

let search2 mynumbers nb =
   let rec ins numbers acc =
       (fun v -> (* Printf.printf "%b\n" v; *)
           (fun x acc1 ->
             let numbers2 = delete x numbers
             in fold
                  (fun y acc2 ->
                    let numbers3 = delete y numbers2
                    and res = x + y
                    in if res = nb
                       then (return true)
                       else ins (insert res numbers3) acc2)
           numbers) in
   ins mynumbers (return false);;

let b = fromlist [1;2;3;4];;
let main =
     (search2 b 99999999)
     (fun v -> return
       (if v then Printf.printf "True\n"
       else Printf.printf "False\n"));;

Le 23/01/2018 à 22:08, Li-yao Xia a écrit :
> Hi,
> On 01/23/2018 02:39 PM, Jean-Marc Alliot wrote:
>> Thank you very much for your answer, but I still don't get it (I 
>> might be not bright enough :-))
> Not at all! This is definitely not an obvious problem.
>> I rewrote the program to suppress all syntactic sugar; for me, the 
>> value of the first argument of >>= is never used, so I can't see why 
>> it changes anything to put acc as the first argument or anything else 
>> (such as return false for example...).
> You can erase (acc :: IO Bool) only if acc is in fact pure (i.e., acc 
> = return b), but how would GHC deduce such a fact?
> - inlining could take care of it on a case-by-case basis at each call 
> site, but ins is recursive, which prevents inlining;
> - a more general solution for recursive definitions might be some kind 
> of static analysis, that GHC doesn't do;
> - using Identity instead of IO, then all computations must be pure, 
> and in fact the optimization would apply automatically as a 
> consequence of the lazy (>>=) for Identity.
>> I would really appreciate a pointer to a chapter of any manual or 
>> introduction to Haskell which would be able to explain why with acc 
>> as first argument of (>==) the program runs at least 2 hours (I 
>> stopped it after 2 hours) and with (return False) it takes less than 
>> one second, while the actual value of the first argument of (>>=) is 
>> meaningless.
> I don't have any good pointers unfortunately.
> But it may help to expand the folds.
> ins {1,2,3} acc = do
>   acc
>   ins {1+2,3} (ins {1+3,2} (ins {2+1,3} (... (ins {3+2, 1} acc))))
> For the first recursive call to ins...
> ins {1+2,3} acc1 = do
>   acc1
>   ins {1+2+3} (ins {3+1+2} acc1)
> ... substitute that in the former (acc1 = ins {1+3,2} (ins {2+1,3} 
> (... acc)))
> ins {1,2,3} acc = do
>   acc
>   (ins {1+3,2} (... acc))
>   ins {1+2+3} (ins {3+1+2} (ins {1+3,2} (... acc)))
> etc.
> Li-yao

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