[Haskell-cafe] MVar considered harmful

Bertram Felgenhauer bertram.felgenhauer at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 28 17:44:08 UTC 2018

Станислав Черничкин wrote:
> Just look at this beautiful mutex implementation
> https://github.com/ovotech/fs2-kafka/blob/master/src/main/scala/fs2/kafka/internal/Synchronized.scala

As far as I can see, this only works because Java/Scala don't have
(or at least, very strongly discourage) asynchronous exceptions.

Here's my attempt to translate the code into Haskell:

    import Control.Concurrent.MVar -- should be an IVar
    import Control.Concurrent
    import Control.Exception (bracket)
    import Data.IORef

    type Mutex = IORef (MVar ())

    newMutex :: IO Mutex
    newMutex = do
        next <- newMVar ()
        newIORef next

    withMutex :: Mutex -> IO () -> IO ()
    withMutex m act = do
        next <- newEmptyMVar
            (atomicModifyIORef m (\curr -> (next, curr))) -- atomic swap
            (\_ -> putMVar next ()) $
            \curr -> do
                readMVar curr
                -- readMVar is no longer a combination of takeMVar/putMVar
                -- since base 4.7, so we can faithfully emulate an IVar

Now if the `readMVar` is interrupted by an asynchronous exception,
subsequent threads will be woken up, violating the mutual exclusion
property. For example:

    mkThread lock nm = do
        tid <- forkIO $ withMutex lock $ do
            putStrLn $ unwords ["thread", nm, "running"]
            threadDelay 200000
            putStrLn $ unwords ["thread", nm, "stopping"]
        return tid

    main = do
        lock <- newMutex
        threadA <- mkThread lock "A"
        threadB <- mkThread lock "B"
        threadC <- mkThread lock "C"
        killThread threadB
        threadDelay 1000000


    thread A running
    thread C running
    thread C stopping
    thread A stopping


This is awkward to fix. Basically, when abandoning the lock before it
has been released by the previous owner, we need a new thread to wait
for the 'current' IVar and notify the 'next' one, since the current
thread is being interrupted. So `withMutex` will end up with code like

    withMutex :: Mutex -> IO () -> IO ()
    withMutex m act = do
        next <- newEmptyMVar
            (atomicModifyIORef m (\curr -> (next, curr)))
            (cleanup next) $
            \curr -> do
                readMVar curr
        cleanup :: MVar () -> MVar () -> IO ()
        cleanup next curr = do
             b <- tryReadMVar next
             case b of
                 Just _  -> putMVar next ()
                 Nothing -> void $ forkIO $ do
                     readMVar curr
                     putMVar next ()

This loses a lot of elegance.

On the low-level implementation side, both MVars and IVars need to
maintain a list of waiting threads; both require logic to wake up
threads (IVars will wake all threads; when putting a value, MVars will
wake up threads reading the MVar, up to the first thread (if any) that
actually takes the MVar value). I believe MVars are not much more
difficult to implement than IVars. (This assumes a global memory; IVars
may be simpler in a distributed setting.)

For users, MVars are dangerous if used without restrictions, but we have
easy to understand patterns, for example for using an MVar as a mutex
(newMVar, withMVar), or as an IVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, readMVar).

To summarize, IVars may be harder to misuse, but MVars provide tangible
benefits as a primitive, especially in the presence of asynchronous




> 1. [MVars are] complex. Each MVar has 2 state transitions, each may block.

It seems worth noting that the IVar state transition also blocks.

> 2. [MVars do not] play well in presence of asynchronous exceptions.

I can't help smirking about this claim.

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