[Haskell-cafe] Reinventing the wheel? Does any existing package provide an applicatively lifted (>>) ?

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Thu Sep 28 08:55:09 UTC 2017

When generating a report file from a database I found it much more
efficient (significantly shorter runtime) to represent each row
by an I/O action that prints the row, rather than to construct a
Row object that to print and throw away.

But the naive way to construct the I/O action can be tedious to
maintain once the column count gets appreciably high:

    newtype Foo = Foo { _foo :: IO () }
    instance FromRow Foo where
      fromRow = Foo <$> (rowPrinter <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> ... <*> field)
          rowPrinter :: Type1 -> Type2 -> Type3 -> ... -> TypeN -> IO ()
          rowPrinter p1 p2 p3 ... pN = do

So I decided to applicatively decompose the rowPrinter function
(with the actual name of "andthen" to be determined later) as:

   rowPrinter = (printP1 <$> field) `andthen`
                (printP2 <$> field) `andthen`
                (printP3 <$> field) `andthen`
                (printPN <$> field)

which avoids the need to package the column printers explicitly into
a single function, and may be somewhat more efficient a well.

What was not immediately obvious to me was whether there's an "off the
shelf" implementation of "andthen" I could just reuse. The necessary
operator satisfies:

	andthen (f (m a)) (f (m b)) = f (ma >> mb)

or, equivalently:

	a `andthen` b = (>>) <$> a <*> b

for which http://pointree.io dutifully gives me:

       andthen = (<*>) . ((>>) <$>)

Its type signature is:

    Prelude> :set prompt "l> "
    l> :m + Control.Applicative
    l> :m + Control.Monad
    l> :t ((<*>) . ((>>) <$>))
    ((<*>) . ((>>) <$>))
      :: (Monad m, Applicative f) => f (m a) -> f (m b) -> f (m b)

It seems to me that this would have been done before, and the operator
would already be present in some package, but I'm having trouble finding

(Due to the hidden constructors of FromRow defining a Semigroup does not
 work out here, so I can't use (<>), which also inconveniently conflicts
 with  Monoid (<>)).

So my question is whether the operator in question is already available,
under some name in some package, or else suggested names for it if new.


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