[Haskell-cafe] Why is Haskell so slow (comparing to Java/Scala)?
Станислав Черничкин
schernichkin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 14:27:54 UTC 2017
I've wrote simple Haskell benchmark program, which populated primitive
vector from vector package:
import Data.Vector.Primitive.Mutable as P
vectorBench :: Benchmark
vectorBench = bgroup "vector" [ primitive ]
primitive = bgroup "primitive" [ write1M ]
write1M = bench "write1M" $ nfIO $ do
v <- P.unsafeNew 1000000
void $ for [0..1000000 - 1] $ flip (P.unsafeWrite v) (1 :: Int)
return ()
I use `unsafeNew` to skip memory initialization and `unsafeWrite` to skip
boundary checks, I guess it's fastest possible way to write something to
vector. My result was about 40 ms.
I wrote similar program in Scala:
for (_ <- 1 to 5) {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val a = new Array[Long](1000000)
for (i <- 0 until 1000000) {
a(i) = 1L
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(s"${end - start} ms")
I skip neither boundary checks nor memory initialization, I also used
generic array here (suitable for any types of objects, not just for
primitive types), so I expected longer run time. But what I got was
7 ms
3 ms
2 ms
1 ms
2 ms
This program runs 20-40 times faster than Haskell after warm-up. 20-40
times, Carl! Why is Haskell soo slooooow? How can it be?
Sincerely, Stanislav Chernichkin.
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