[Haskell-cafe] Is this a GHC parser error? A test case compiles from one line but not another.

Jeffrey Brown jeffbrown.the at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 03:54:38 UTC 2017

The test suite below[1] does what it's supposed to. The last line of it is
a commented-out test case:

    -- assertBool "broken" $ True

If I uncomment that, it fails to compile:

    > :reload
    [13 of 13] Compiling TParse           ( test/TParse.hs, interpreted )

    test/TParse.hs:67:3: error: parse error on input ‘assertBool’
    67 |   assertBool "broken" $ True
       |   ^^^^^^^^^^
    Failed, 12 modules loaded.

However, if I move it to somewhere earlier in the code, it works.


Jeff Brown | Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
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