[Haskell-cafe] A new type of newtype --- Type-level instance diversification and resolution (tl; dr)
Albert Y. C. Lai
trebla at vex.net
Fri May 26 01:26:19 UTC 2017
When you store elements in a binary search tree, wouldn't you love to
custom-order the comparison order? Wouldn't you love to do so without
newtype-wrapping the element type? In fact you may actually opine that
your element type should not admit a standard order in the first place
(e.g., complex numbers), and whichever order used for the sake of binary
search trees should stay just that and not become a general-purpose default.
Perhaps more pressing to most people is when you store elements in a
HashSet and you want to customize the hash function, again without
either newtype-wrapping or fighting over defaults.
Here is how to do that.
Have a parameterized Ord class like this:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, PolyKinds, KindSignatures #-}
class MyOrd (resolver :: k) a where
mycmp :: p resolver -> a -> a -> Ordering
instance MyOrd () Int where
mycmp _ x y = compare x y
data Rev
instance MyOrd Rev Int where
mycmp _ x y = compare y x
It is also possible to get rid of the proxy parameter and use
TypeApplication instead.
dmwit from IRC suggests that MyOrd could be tied back to standard Ord by:
instance MyOrd () a => Ord a
which helps with backward compatibility. So basically use () to resolve
to the standard instances (wherever a community-wide standard makes
sense) and have existing standard classes tied to the new parameterized
classes by resolver ~ ().
Now use the parameterized Ord class for binary search trees:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Proxy(Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.List(foldl')
data BST (resolver :: k) a = Nil | Bin !(BST resolver a) a !(BST resolver a)
empty :: BST r a
empty = Nil
insert :: forall r a. MyOrd r a => a -> BST r a -> BST r a
insert a Nil = Bin Nil a Nil
insert a t@(Bin left key right) = case mycmp (Proxy :: Proxy r) a key of
EQ -> t
LT -> Bin (insert a left) key right
GT -> Bin left key (insert a right)
fromList :: MyOrd r a => [a] -> BST r a
fromList xs = foldl' (flip insert) Nil xs
toAscList :: BST r a -> [a]
toAscList t = run t []
run Nil = id
run (Bin left key right) = run left . (key :) . run right
Now we have it.
toAscList (fromList [3,1,4,15,9,2,6,5,38] :: BST () Int)
evaluates to
toAscList (fromList [3,1,4,15,9,2,6,5,38] :: BST Rev Int)
evaluates to
and both terms have the same type [Int]. The second term does not have
to have type [Down Int].
Other applications include: Custom-making equivalence relations without
calling them Eq; alternative interfaces to groupBy, sortBy, maximumBy,
etc.; SML-style functorial programming; and liberating Complex from Ord.
I thank jadrian from IRC for proposing "named instance":
> so instead of "instance Num n => Monoid (Sum n) where" we'd write e.g.
> "instance Sum of Num n => Monoid n where" and use it as "Sum.mempty"
which stimulated me to think "oh we can emulate that by multiple
parameter type class..."
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