[Haskell-cafe] List instance of Alternative: why (++)?
Jon Purdy
evincarofautumn at gmail.com
Sun May 7 07:23:15 UTC 2017
D’oh, that’s what I get for writing untested code in an email.
Neutral doesn’t seem necessary since we have “null” in Foldable. I was
thinking more along these lines:
instance (Alternative f, Foldable f) => Alternative (LeftBiased f) where
empty = LeftBiased empty
LeftBiased a <|> LeftBiased b = LeftBiased (if null a then b else a)
Under the assumption that “null empty” always holds. I think using the
Alternative constraint for just “empty” makes sense because LeftBiased and
RightBiased should only differ from the wrapped type in the implementation
of (<|>), but it still seems a little iffy somehow.
To make the wrapping slightly less painful, another good bikeshed colour
would be Pre/Post. (Dunno what you’d call “Unbiased” in that case, though.)
On a related note, I recall there was some discussion a while back about
making a Monoid instance for Map where mappend is “unionWith mappend”
instead of the left-biased “union”. These wrappers could also be used for
that sort of thing, and it’d be nice to have a single standard for them
with all the different use cases fleshed out.
On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 4:19 PM, MarLinn <monkleyon at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2017-05-07 00:23, Jon Purdy wrote:
> I’ve wanted this before as well. Maybe we should throw a newtype at it?
> newtype LeftBiased a = LeftBiased [a]
> instance Alternative (LeftBiased a) where
> empty = []
> [] <|> b = b
> a <|> _ = a
> newtype RightBiased a = RightBiased [a]
> instance Alternative (RightBiased a) where
> empty = []
> a <|> [] = a
> _ <|> b = b
> You forgot the fun wrapping and unwrapping. But no matter. Let's
> generalize!
> class Neutral a where
> neutral :: a
> isNeutral :: a -> Bool
> instance Neutral a => Alternative (LeftBiased a) where
> empty = LeftBiased neutral
> (LeftBiased a) <|> (LeftBiased b) = LeftBiased $ if isNeutral a then b else a
> instance Neutral a => Alternative (RightBiased a) where
> empty = RightBiased neutral
> (RightBiased a) <|> (RightBiased b) = RightBiased $ if isNeutral b then a else b
> Why?
> type AllRight e a = LeftBiased (Either e a)
> type AnyRight e a = RightBiased (Either e a)
> instance Neutral a => Neutral (AllRight e a) where
> neutral = Right $ LeftBiased neutral
> isNeutral = fmap isRight
> instance Neutral e => Neutral (AnyRight e a) where
> neutral = Left $ RightBiased neutral
> isNeutral = fmap isLeft
> Is this a bit silly? Yes. My actual goal is to show that these concepts
> are bigger than they might appear, and how painful all those wrappers are.
> This is to advertise my language extension from my separate thread. And
> also because it's silly fun. Mostly that.
> newtype Unbiased a = Unbiased (Maybe a)
> instance (Monoid m) => Alternative (Unbiased m) where
> empty = Nothing
> Just a <|> Just b = Just (a <> b)
> _ <|> Just b = Just b
> Just a <|> _ = Just a
> _ <|> _ = Nothing
> Mh, that's just liftA2 (<>) a b <|> a <|> b in terms of the regular
> instance. Now that is easy to generalize – just don't use it for lists.
> Cheers,
> MarLinn
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