[Haskell-cafe] How should I view this file? It looks like literate Haskell but isn't that file type.

Sergiu Ivanov sivanov at colimite.fr
Thu May 4 08:35:16 UTC 2017

Thus quoth  Jeffrey Brown  at 08:10 on Thu, May 04 2017:
> I am looking at Text.Markdown. The Types.hs file[1] looks like it's got
> comments that are meant to be viewed as some form other than plain text --

These comments look like typical Haddock comments for me.


Haddock is a tool for automatic generation of documentation from Haskell

> How should I view it? Preferably in Emacs?

You could probably run Haddock on this file and then browse the result
(with eww, for example).

Haddock may also generate outputs in different formats, but I don't have
additional information on that functionality off the top of my head.

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