[Haskell-cafe] Full-time (remote acceptable) -- Haskell engineering at Vacation Labs, India

Saurabh Nanda saurabhnanda at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 09:21:03 UTC 2017

Cross-posted from Reddit:

We are a startup based out of Goa (India), building travel-related
technology products. Our flagship SaaS product is already in the market and
has paying customers. We're expanding our product portfolio, and building
new products in Haskell (the current product is written in Rails +

If you're interested in using Haskell (and related FP languages, like Elm &
Purescript) to build web/mobile products, do apply via

PS: Our current stack is Rails, AngularJS v1, Postgres, Redis,
Bootstrap+LessCSS. The stack for future product-dev is Haskell (on the
server) with Typescript/Elm/Purescript (on the UI).

-- Saurabh.
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