[Haskell-cafe] Code Review Request - Unbalanced Parenthesis correction
David Turner
dct25-561bs at mythic-beasts.com
Tue Mar 21 17:13:11 UTC 2017
Hi Michael,
Are there any strange constraints on the problem, such as the input string
being 10s of GB long, or any particular correction strategy being required?
Your code seems to add some parens to the start/end of the entire string to
balance it, whereas I think I might have balanced "))(" to "()()()" given
free reign. Is the goal efficiency or clarity or something else?
>From personal taste, I would recommend including a suite of automated tests
alongside your implementation even if it is not explicitly requested. A
quickcheck test asserting that the output is always balanced and that the
input string is a substring of the output might be appropriate.
On 21 March 2017 at 16:53, Michael Litchard <litchard.michael at gmail.com>
> I'm prepping for a coding interview, and am examining the task of
> correcting unbalanced parentheses. The finger tree seems to be the right
> data structure. As a proof of concept I've used Data.Sequence to test my
> idea. If this is the right direction to go, I'll write more specialized
> finger tree code. The code works on the few test cases I have tried.
> Feedback appreciated.
> {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}module Parenthesis whereimport BasicPrelude hiding (concat,null,empty)
> import Data.Sequence hiding (length)import Data.Foldable hiding (length,null)
> balanceParens :: String -> String
> balanceParens str = go str [] empty
> where
> go [] [] (null -> True) = []
> go [] [] parens = Data.Foldable.toList parens
> go ('(':xs) [] (null -> True) = go xs [RP] (singleton '(')
> go (')':xs) [] (null -> True) = go xs [] (fromList "()")
> go ('(':xs) debit parens = go xs (RP:debit) (parens |> '(')
> go (')':xs) [] parens = go xs [] corrected
> where corrected = ('(' <| parens) |> ')'
> go (')':xs) (RP:debit) parens = go xs debit (parens |> ')')
> go (_:xs) debit parens = go xs debit parens
> go [] (RP:debit) parens = go [] debit (parens |> ')')
> example:
> balanceParens "))(""(())()"
> balanceParens ")))""((()))"
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