[Haskell-cafe] Has anyone used Graql in Haskell?

MarLinn monkleyon at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 14:31:14 UTC 2017

Hi Jeffrey,

at least two of the pages you link to reference the github of the 
package, which has a very short example. That alone is not very useful, 
but the magic seems to happen in the runMatchfunction. That function 
obviously comes from is the package you linked to, so we know where to 
find the source code. There you can see that runMatch basically just 
callsrunGraql. (And it also presents the results in a somewhat nicer 
form than pure json, but that's not relevant.) The runGraql function in 
turn is just a few lines below in the source code and exposes thatit 
does nothing more than call the graql.sh shell script. So all the 
library does is to add a bit of Haskell type checking on top of the 
Java+JavaScript+Bash proprietary behemoth. That means even if someone 
has a Haskell program, the core question is how to use the graql.sh 
script – which is outside the scope of a Haskell mailing list I suppose, 
but I hope the Grakn project has some documentation about that.

The Grakn approach to modeling a knowledge graph looks good, but I'm not 
even sure if we have something equivalent Haskell-side. We do have the 
necessary hypergraph libraries and all, and it's a fun area, so we 
probably do. But I highly doubt whatever we do have supports Graql. 
After all, why use an extra language if you can use functions directly? 
Sorry I have to disappoint you there.


On 2017-03-14 04:53, Jeffrey Brown wrote:
> Graql[1] is a (and stands for) graph query language. It is unusually 
> expressive, allowing relationships to be members of other 
> relationships[2] -- effectively, allowing one edge to be an endpoint 
> of another edge.
> Someone named Felix posted a Haskell library for generating Graql 
> queries[3].
> Does anyone have a Haskell program that not only generates but uses 
> such a query?
> [1] https://hackage.haskell.org/package/graql
> [2] https://discuss.grakn.ai/t/nested-relationships/
> [3] https://discuss.grakn.ai/t/graql-haskell-how-to-run-the-test-program/
> -- 
> Jeff Brown | Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
> Website <https://msu.edu/%7Ebrown202/>  | Facebook 
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