[Haskell-cafe] Tools to assist with development cycle of hackage packages

Clinton Mead clintonmead at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 11:29:58 UTC 2017

Does "stack upload" build and upload the docs or will I still need "hup"
for that?

On Fri, 17 Mar 2017 at 9:40 pm, Adam Bergmark <adam at bergmark.nl> wrote:

> The stack templates are quite nice. The default is missing #1 #5 #6.2 #7
> #8 #9. Setting up external services is of course a bit more involved but
> maybe that can be added to an external tool extending stack? But dot ask
> the stack maintainers as well for their opinion! The others I think should
> be fine to add, possibly as options. But I haven't looked into customizing
> templates or much other than the default template so maybe some of this is
> already in there somewhere.
> I'm slowly moving away from local .gitignore files, in ~/.gitconfig you
> can ignoring globally by specify e.g.
> [core]
> excludesfile = /Users/adam.bergmark/.gitignore-global
> `stack upload` does sdist + upload and can store your hackage credentials.
> Sounds like hup or a tool extending it might be a good starting place to
> do take care of the release process. I'd for instance want it to check that
> the travis build for the tag (or commit hash which would happen first)
> succeeded before uploading. I'm not aware of other work in this area but I
> haven't looked.
> Cheers,
> Adam
> On Fri, 17 Mar 2017 at 11:17 Clinton Mead <clintonmead at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've only just started uploading packages to hackage (my package listing
> is here <https://hackage.haskell.org/user/clinton>) but currently there's
> a lot of repetitive activities for creating and updating packages.
> For example, here's the steps in creating a package:
>    1. Initialise a repository on github
>    2. Initialise git repository locally
>    3. Set github repository as remote
>    4. Add a LICENSE file
>    5. Add a standard ".gitignore file"
>    6. Create a cabal file with the appropriate files that hackage
>    requires including:
>       1. Git repository source
>       2. Issues page
>       3. Licence
>       4. Licence file
>    7. Run multi-ghc-travis <https://github.com/hvr/multi-ghc-travis> to
>    create a ".travis.yml" file
>    8. Make an initial commit and push
>    9. Refresh travis-ci.org's repository list so it detects the new
>    repository
> There's also the stack stuff, but the GUI I'm using, IntelliJ with a
> Haskell plugin, handles most of that. It also creates a cabal file, but
> it's missing a number of key fields as mentioned above.
> When I actually want to upload the package I go though these steps:
>    1. Push to github
>    2. Wait for Travis-CI to compile the package (this is a test to ensure
>    it builds in a clean remote environment).
>    3. Run "cabal sdist 2>&1"
>    4. Parse the output of sdist to see where the dist file is.
>    5. Run "hup <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hup> packup
>    fileFromSDist" to upload the package, putting in my hackage user/pass
>    6. Run "hup docboth", to both build and upload the documentation.
>    7. Tag the commit as a release
> Currently, I've got two scripts with help with a lot of this, but it's a
> bit adhoc, and it's not fully automated (for example, I still have to
> manually ensure all the correct fields are in the cabal file, usually by
> copy/pasting from another package and modifying).
> Are there any tools that I haven't found that make this process a bit more
> painless? I'm a bit new to this area, and I've only started using git
> recently as a prelude to uploading my Haskell packages, so admittedly I may
> have missed something obvious or perhaps I'm just doing it all wrong.
> But if other people do find it painful like me, perhaps I'll put some
> effort into rewriting my perl scripts into nice haskell packages and
> executables for others to use.
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