[Haskell-cafe] To [] Or Not To []

Deven Lahoti deywos at mit.edu
Sat Mar 11 00:58:01 UTC 2017

I think you are missing the point of the article, as that is pretty much
exactly the type of situation where it recommends lists be used.

On Mar 10, 2017 7:45 PM, "JK" <jerzy.karczmarczuk at unicaen.fr> wrote:

> Hi.
> Le 11/03/2017 à 00:28, Olaf Klinke a écrit :
> Actually, your negative abstract turns out to be for a quite positive article. List are like iterators, that's the essence, and as long as you are iterating, it's fine to use []. The prominence of singly linked lists in Haskell has tought me to write my data processing programs in a streaming style.
> *Yes.* I've been teaching not just "data processing" - after all almost
> everything we program is "data processing", no?... but such concrete stuff
> as physics simulation (diff. eqs.), some other numerics (asymptotic
> expansions, etc.) signal processing (including sound generation), and I
> liked to present several examples in a *dataflow style* with plenty of
> co-recursive contraptions. Haskell lazy lists were natural, concise, and
> easy to manipulate.  We enjoyed it, wrong or not.
> Nothing is perfect, not only  mister Nobody; calling ANY approach to
> programming "wrong" is sectarian. A professional coder working on a
> concrete project may say bad words about anything he wishes, but for a
> teacher this is a pedagogical sin, and inefficient programs can be more
> inspiring than some "correct" doctrines.
> Jerzy Karczmarczuk
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