[Haskell-cafe] Higher order functor package?

Li-yao Xia lysxia at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 19:10:57 UTC 2017

Hi Clinton,

This should be a compilable Literate Haskell program; a copy of your 
preliminary definitions is at the end.

 > {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, PolyKinds, 
FunctionalDependencies, TypeOperators, GADTs,
 >     RankNTypes, DataKinds, StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances, 
FlexibleContexts, InstanceSigs #-}
 > import Control.Category
 > import Prelude hiding ((.), id, Functor(..))

What you want certainly looks like a functor[1] in the general sense, 
only not in the usual category that the Functortype class is specialized 

A more general definition of functors can be found in the categories[2] 

This one also abstracts over the domain and codomain categories r and t.
You obtain the standard Functor by restricting to r ~ (->), t ~ (->).

 > class (Category r, Category t) => Functor f r t | f r -> t, f t -> r 
 >   fmap :: r a b -> t (f a) (f b)

The expected result type of myFmap is (f t -> f u), so the codomain 
category is still (->) (category of types and functions).

But t and u here are objects in a different category, which can be 
defined by the (:->) type below:

 > -- Objects are types (t, u, ...) of kind (Param -> *),
 > -- morphisms are polymorphic functions of type (forall a. t a -> u a).
 > newtype (:->) t u = HFun (forall a. t a -> u a)

You can indeed implement the type class in Control.Category, and check 
the category laws...

 > instance Category (:->) where
 >   id = HFun id
 >   HFun f . HFun g = HFun (f . g)

And here is a Functor instance:

 > instance Functor F (:->) (->) where
 >   fmap :: (t :-> u) -> F t -> F u
 >   fmap (HFun f) (F x1 x2) = F (f x1) (f x2)

Hide away the wrapping of the (:->) newtype:

 > myFmap :: Functor f (:->) (->) => (forall a. t a -> u a) -> f t -> f u
 > myFmap f = fmap (HFun f)

VoilĂ .

 > main = print $ myFmap f (F (TInt 42) (TBool False))

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_(mathematics)
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/categories

Auxiliary definitions

 > data Param = Param1 | Param2
 > data T (p :: Param) where
 >   TInt :: Int -> T Param1
 >   TInteger :: Integer -> T Param1
 >   TBool :: Bool -> T Param2
 > data U (p :: Param) where
 >   UDouble :: Double -> U Param1
 >   UString :: String -> U Param2
 > data F (t :: Param -> *) where
 >   F :: t Param1 -> t Param2 -> F t
 > f :: T a -> U a
 > f (TInt x) = UDouble (fromIntegral x)
 > f (TInteger x) = UDouble (fromIntegral x)
 > f (TBool x) = UString (show x)
 > deriving instance Show (U a)
 > deriving instance (Show (t Param1), Show (t Param2)) => Show (F t)

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