[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] arrowp-qq: an arrowp refresh
Jose Iborra López
pepeiborra at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 16:05:24 UTC 2017
Dear all,
In case anyone finds it useful, there is a new version of arrowp in Hackage that improves the original with a much needed coat of fresh paint. Notable features include a new parser based on haskell-src-exts, a quasi quoter for arrow syntax, and improved desugaring for static choices.
https://github.com/pepeiborra/arrowp <https://github.com/pepeiborra/arrowp>
The package is in Hackage as **arrowp-qq** due to the impossibility to contact with Ross Paterson (Ross, if you are reading this, please send email!).
https://hackage.haskell.org/package/arrowp-qq <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/arrowp-qq>
For those of you reading this and wondering why would you want to use a preprocessor for something that GHC can already do, the short answer is that you probably don’t.
Using the `proc` quasi quoter
addA :: Arrow a => a b Int -> a b Int -> a b Int
addA f g = [proc| x -> do
y <- f -< x
z <- g -< x
returnA -< y + z |]
Comparison with **arrowp**
**arrowp-qq** extends the original **arrowp** in three dimensions:
1. It replaces the `haskell-src` based parser with one based on `haskell-src-exts`, which handles most of GHC 8.0.2 Haskell syntax.
2. It provides not only a preprocessor but also a quasiquoter, which is a better option in certain cases.
3. It extends the desugaring to handle static conditional expressions (currently only if-then-else). Example:
proc inputs -> do
results <- processor -< inputs
if outputResultsArg
then outputSink -< results
else returnA -< ()
returnA -< results
The standard **arrowp** (and GHC) desugaring for this code is:
= ((processor >>> arr (\ results -> (results, results))) >>>
(\ results -> if outputResultsArg then Left results else Right ())
>>> (outputSink ||| returnA))
>>> arr (\ (_, results) -> results)))
This requires an `ArrowChoice`, but there is a more efficient desugaring which
performs the choice at compile time and thus an `Arrow` suffices:
((processor >>> arr (\ results -> (results, results))) >>>
(if outputResultsArg then outputSink else arr (\ results -> ()))
>>> arr (\ (_, results) -> results)))
Comparison with **GHC**
The GHC desugarer does not do a very good job of minimizing the number of
`first` calls inserted. In certain `Arrow` instances, this can have a material effect
on performance. Example:
trivial = proc inputs -> do
chunked <- chunk -< inputs
results <- process -< chunked
returnA -< results
This code ought to desugar to a chain of arrows, and indeed, both arrowp and
arrowp-qq desugar this to:
trivial = chunk >>> process
However GHC will produce (approximately) the following code:
arr(\inputs -> (inputs,inputs)) >>> first chunk >>> first process >>> arr fst
Jose Iborra
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