[Haskell-cafe] Standard package file format

Kosyrev Serge skosyrev at ptsecurity.com
Fri Sep 16 13:42:18 UTC 2016

Chris Kahn writes:
> I would like to second this thought. Using Haskell for package
> descriptions needs to be thought out and executed with great care and
> attention. It's really easy to go off the rails.
> Scala's build system lets you do very powerful things, but it also
> makes things unnecessarily complicated and mystifying for beginners.
> At my previous work where we used Scala extensively, there were many
> times where the team simply resorted to external tools because
> figuring out how to make some seemingly trivial change to an SBT
> module was too time consuming.

Let me guess (have no idea about sbt) -- unbridled Turing completeness?

Declarativity is king for configuration, and Turing completeness ain't it -- 
please, see my other mail about subsetting Haskell.

с уважениeм / respectfully,
Косырев Сергей

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